Chapter 40

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"I'll be back in a few hours, I'm just going for a walk," I tell Narcissa at the front door of Malfoy Manor, waving at her in the living room before closing the door after me. It's around noon now, and there's something I've been meaning to do. I know this is really risky, but I know it's the logical thing to do, but I told Draco to stay at home just in case.

Walking over to the gate, it almost turns into smoke as I go right through, the mark on my arm seeming to grant me passage. I pass all the hedges till I've reached the street, and when I'm out of the Anti-Disapparition Jinx boundaries I close my eyes, turn on the spot and disappear.

There's the usual hooking at my navel, but I barely pay attention to it anymore. I've learnt how to ride a broomstick now but I prefer Apparition any day, feeling more comfortable in my own abilities rather than putting my trust into a twig that could literally break at any moment.

But then I'm on a very different, very empty street. The houses are a lot smaller, none of the cars moving. The rain from earlier this morning stopped but there's still a slight chill in the air, and I wrap my jumper tighter around myself before transforming, two legs becoming four, skin becoming fur, and I'm unrecognisable to any Death Eaters who may have followed me, any Hogwarts students that might know me as someone who contributed towards Dumbledore's death.

I remember when I first came to Hogwarts and people accused me of being a Voldemort follower, like they thought Sirius was. Dad was always innocent, but I guess they were all right about me.

I bound over to a familiar house, knowing I'd do this even if there weren't the circumstances of this year, of the trio rushing around to find Horcruxes. I wouldn't want anything to happen to Hermione, wouldn't want her family to end up like Kal's because I was too late. But when my paws come to a stop at the window, propping myself up to peer inside, I can see her parents pouring tea for themselves and Hermione standing behind them, wand pointed at them...

All plans fly out of my mind as I look at my friend, noticing how red and puffy her eyes are, how she seems a little more pale than I remember. Her usual slight smile is gone, and guilt crawls up in my stomach. How many of my friends are out there, feeling the same way? Thinking I betrayed them? And Hermione was one of the first friends I made at Hogwarts, being patient with me despite how antisocial and awkward I was.

I don't stop walking when someone slows beside me, matching my pace, but I slow ever so slightly for them to acknowledge their presence. "You're Cassia Black, aren't you?" I turn to my right to see a certain puffball offering me a smile before offering a hand over the pile of books clutched to her chest. "I'm Hermione Granger." I look at Hermione unsurely, wondering if this is a joke or something, and the girl gives a small laugh before adding, "I'm not going to bite your fingers off or anything."

"I know that," I defend myself, not really pausing before I say it, although my cheeks go a little hot. I shake Hermione's hand, then pull mine back. "I'm just wondering why you're talking to me." As soon as I say it, I curse myself mentally, using words no eleven year old should know. Tell my adoptive father off for that and the football games he takes me to. That's not how you make friends, Cass, I scold myself.

"Well," the girl starts, enunciating words as she talks in a factual voice, "We're both in the same dorm, and there's not really harm in getting to know people. Besides, you seem interesting. I could tell you knew the answer to Professor Snape's last question, but you didn't say it. I was wondering why, and then I realised you were being nice, and there's not many nice people in the world anymore. Also, it's human nature to desire bonding, relationships and to communicate with others, and I thought to myself–" Then she suddenly cuts herself off, biting her lip. "I'm talking too much, aren't I?" Then she adds quietly, "And I don't really have any friends yet."

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