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"Well, that didn't go as planned..." Tomura mumbled. "Yeah, no kidding," I replied. Kai wasn't willing to agree on the terms that we discussed and, so now we're lucky to make out alive. I sighed and walked through Kurogiri's portal. I went to our room and sat on the bed. Tomura went to go talk to the others about the conversation. I laid down and went to sleep. Tomura already has too much on his plate...he doesn't need more. I thought as I fell into a dreamless dream. 


It's been a few weeks and I still haven't told Tomura. My baby belly was already starting to show and it was only in a matter of time until Tomura and the others found out. I hurled in the bathroom toilet and I felt so dizzy. I heard a knock on the door. "(Y/n) are you okay in there?" it was Toga. "Y-Yeah I'm-" I hurled more and groaned. She walked in and helped me up. "What's wrong?" She asked. "N-Nothing. I'm fine really." I said. "You hate the word fine so, you must be lying," she said being serious. She took me to my room after we finished cleaning up the bathroom. "Promise not to tell anyone," I said. "I promise." "I'm pregnant." She was about to yell in joy but remembered to keep quiet. "You're pregnant!" she whispered yelled in joy. I smiled at her enthusiasm and giggled along with her. "Have you told Shigaraki yet?" She asked. I shook my head and place the back of my head to the wall. "That's the thing...I've only told you. He has so much right now and I don't want the baby to add more to his plate." I sighed. She frowned and sighed. "Maybe you should tell him. The belly would be a dead give away if you do it later on. That man-child, he should know that his girlfriend is not feeling herself. What does he do at the end of the day?" She asked getting a bit angry. "He plays his video games to just think but that's fine. He needs some alone time anyway." I said. "That's not what he's supposed to do. That's it I'm going to talk to him." She said walking out the door. My eyes widen and I rushed after her. "Toga get back here!" I yelled at her. She already made it to the living room where Shigaraki was at. "Shigaaki you man- child! How can you not see the signs that (Y/n) is not alright?! Instead, you go running off to the video games instead of her, really?! What kind of boyfriend are you and not notice that she's pregnant?!" Toga stopped as the word slipped out. Their eyes widen at the news and you backed away a bit. Tomura stood up and walked over to you. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked while taking us both somewhere private. "You have so much to do. I didn't want you to have more than you already have. I was scared of what you do or say if I told you. I let you be on your own so that way you can clear your mind. I'm sorry..." I said while tears came pouring down my face. He hugged me tight and also began to cry. "I'm so happy...I'm sorry I ignored you, for leaving you to put all that weight on your shoulders, for having to keep it as a secret. I wouldn't give a crap if the world was ending right now if you told me that we are going to have a family. I love you through thick and think, (Y/n). Nothing would change that in the slightest. I'm sorry...I'm sorry for being a bad lover....for being such a man-child." He cried out. I felt my heart warm up as I heard his words. I patted his head and buried my face to his chest. "I love you Tomura." "I love you most," he replied. 

Sorry that this is a short chapter...

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