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Growing up wasn't the easiest when your dad is the number one hero and your mom is dead. Hi, my name is (Y/n)...nothing is really special about me besides my ears and my face...most of it are the marks on my body. Nothing bad(well some of them...) their just my quirk. My quirk is nothing special since this a weaker part of my moms quirk. She was able to use her quirk to control a persons body; it was call puppeteer. She looked like a scarecrow due to my grandma(Wherever she is.) I only look like a scarecrow and have pointy ears like her...all I can really do is manipulate parts of a persons body. Anyway I'm the daughter of All Might...usually people would say it would be so lucky to have him as dad but really it's not. He's never around and I barely know anything about him. I was usually stuck with a hero babysitter but I would just go to my room and not talk to them. 

"Remember children it's bring your parents to school day! You all get to show them your wonderful drawings you made for them to represent family!" I was excited to tell dad when I got home. As I got home I saw him in the kitchen on the phone. "Daddy! Tomorrow is take your parent to school day! Will you come tomorrow?!" I asked not caring who was talking to him. He tried to calm me down and talk to the person on the phone at the same time. "Yes that's fine. I'll be there." He said. I jumped in excitement knowing that my friends would be amazed by my dad. The next day did not go so well for me...dad didn't show up. My classmates began to whisper about me. "She doesn't have a mommy and daddy." "Liar...her dad isn't All Might." "What a loner..." "Her family doesn't love her...." I sat alone the whole day and looked around seeing how everyone looked so happy...even if they just had one parent. I ran to the bathroom and cried all my feelings out. I felt anger, sadness, loneliness, rage....that's when I started to hate everything. I flushed the drawing of me and my dad down the toilet. At home I didn't talk to him...it's not like he was home in the first place. 

I didn't have friends after that...I didn't have anyone at all. I was alone in my childhood. I've tried falling in love in middle school but they only shot me down. Saying I was creepy because of my looks...saying I was weird and not normal. I stopped trying to find somebody and just stuck with myself. I usually went to visit moms grave but she was gone...I didn't know anything about her besides her quirk and looks. Dad didn't talk about her much nor did any of the heroes so what was the point to going to her if she wasn't part of my life in the first place?!...Sorry I lost myself there...anyway since you kinda caught up let's just get this over with.

I looked out the window and sighed heavily. School was finished and I was going to be stuck in my room again, but I wanted to change things a bit. I put on my shoes and walked out the door. I didn't have to bother to look for my 'dad' since he was gone already. I was almost eighteen and I can finally move out of this place. I looked at the time seeing it was eight thirty in the morning. I went to walk around the my home area and clear my mind. As I was walking I felt my phone vibrate, I rolled my eyes as I read the name. 

Aizawa: Hey kid, I'm just checking up on you. How did you do this year?

I left it on read since I didn't need him to be acting as my dad. Aizawa is nice and all but most of that are close to dad have tried to be my suppose parent in my life. It's no use and they know it. I walked for a few more minutes until I stopped at some park. I looked up as I heard children playing with their parents. I saw the little child have such a happy smile along with parents. I hugged myself and looked away from them. I had no one to hug...I was alone and never felt  another's persons love. Why was it so hard to shove those feelings down?! I walked away and went back home. 

As I got inside my phone began to buzz. 'Aizawa' the caller I.D. read. I answered it and waited for him to speak. "Why didn't you answer?" He asked. "Why should I? You know the answer to it." I said. He sighed and I could feel him roll his eyes. "Fine can't be your answer for everything (Y/n)." He said. "Then it was okay." I said getting tired of talking to him already. "(Y/n) I know-" I ended the call knowing he was going to say that me acting out was immature speech. The 'Everything will get better' or 'He's trying his best', please he hasn't tried for all my existence. I barely know the man and yet I live with him...I don't know why I never ran away. He wouldn't even notice if I was gone. I had my things packed up in a duffle bag ever since yet I never left...why? I don't have the answer for that question. I fell on my bed and put my headphones on, I played my playlist and stared at my ceiling until I went to sleep. 

- Aizawa POV -

I clicked my tongue and put my phone down. "Still no luck?" I looked at the side and saw Mic. I nodded and got up. "You've been trying for too long. Just face it...you're not going to get her to break down her walls." I looked at him like he said something crazy. "You expect me to just give on her? She has had nobody but herself her whole life and she doesn't come out of her room." I said to him. "You're right but still. If she wanted somebody don't you think she would've came to you? You've been trying to be her dad that idol she'll want to be." I sighed and looked down. "I can't help but feel that something is happening her in a painful way." I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she's doing fine." I rolled my eyes. "There goes that word again; fine. That's all she says." He laughed a bit and we went to the offices. 

- (Y/n) POV -

I woke up seeing it was already night. I turned around as I heard my door open. I knew who it was and I didn't care. "You need to eat." they said. I didn't say anything and I got annoyed as they sat on my bed. "(Y/n) you need to talk to some of us sometime. You can't just keep quiet and act like everything is alright." They spoke again. I felt them touch my hair and I smacked their hand away. "I don't need you or anyone. Just leave me alone and don't try to be a friend or a parent. You were never good at those anyway." "(Y/n)..." "JUST GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as I got up and faced them. They looked hurt but I was too annoyed to care, "F-Fine, just give a call or text if you need anything." I locked the door behind them. I'm not some sort of child that could be manipulated to think that everything was alright! I'm fully grown and I took care of myself since I was kid. I sat on my bed and covered my ears. The voices often came and I tried to shut them up. "S-Shut u-up...j-just s-shut u-up..." I cried I felt myself get stuck in the back of my mind and it all went black. 

"Time for treatment..."

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