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It has been days since I've been stuck...wherever this place is. Since my ankle was broken I couldn't move a lot. Kurogiri seems like a polite and respectful person in a way, and Shigaraki....he's fine I guess. He and I talk a bit but it tends to get awkward. Anyway I'm getting real tired of being in the same room and the only time I get out is when I have to use the bathroom. I sat up at the edge of the bed and set my left foot down on the floor. I then did my right but hissed at the pain. "C'mon..." I got up and began to walk. I hugged the wall as I walked down the stairs and I heard yelling I guess. I looked in and saw it was a bar and a few more people were in there. They all looked at me and I gave a dull glance. "It seems I came in at the wrong time." I said. They stopped whatever they were doing and Shigaraki came up to me. "What are you doing down here? You have a broken ankle!" He whispered yelled at me. "Well excuse me for getting tired of being stuck in that room. Some people like to go out sometimes." I said to him. He rolled his eyes and walked away. "Kurogiri take her back to her room." Shigaraki ordered. Kurogiri came close to me. "Kurogiri don't you dare. Shigaraki you pain in the-" "I wouldn't say that if I were you." Kurogiri picked me up and I grumbled angerly. Kurogiri sat me on my bed as we arrived to my room. "Can I at least go out once in a while? It's boring in here and I'm starting to lose my mind." I said to him. He sighed. "I'll talk to Shigaraki but you can't go out in public. It seems whoever your parents are they are still looking for you." He said. F***king All Might... "Why does he care all of a sudden? He was never in my life in the first place. As if I go back there and for him to dissappear again. Stupid a**hole." I said to myself. "Who's the Stupid a**hole?" I looked up to see the girl from downstairs. "Who are you?" I asked. "Toga Himiko! And you?" She asked getting in my room. "(Y/n)." I said. "So you're the girl that everyone is talking about! Did Shigaraki kidnap you or something?" She asked. I shook my head. "I ran away from home and I stumbled upon Shigaraki. It's weird that he didn't kill me..." "Maybe because he likes you!" She said. I shook my head no instantly. "As if. Soon as my ankle heals I'm outta here. Whatever he does is not my problem." I said to her. She shrugged and we both chatted a bit more.

Toga was okay but a bit messed up in the head. She usually came to my room a visit me since I'm still not able to move. She helped me downstairs and I sat on one of the bar stools. "Hey I know you! Who is she? You're the girl everyone is talking about!" A guy said with a split personality. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes I'm the missing girl whatever. He should've stopped a long time ago. Stupid Bastard...." I mumbled. "What?" Tomura asked. "Nothing." I sighed. He looked at me weirdly but I waved him off. "(Y/n)- chan why are you so famous? You face is all over Japan!" Toga asked. "I don't know....the Bastard I live with shouldn't have done anything." I said while looking down. "Who's the 'Bastard'?" A burnt guy asked. "A nobody that's who." I said with venom tracing every word. I felt the pain struck my head. "(Y/n)-chan are you okay?" "T-Take me back to my room." I said feeling them taking over. She nodded and I closed the door behind me as I got in the room. I lock it and fell on the floor. I winced in pain but crawled towards my bed. "Treatment...it's time....you can't let the others know....you belong to us..." they said. I felt myself getting lock in the back of my head. "Let me go! I'm not a puppet!" I yelled. "You are worthless! You never belong! You don't have no one! You don't deserve to be loved! You're nothing more than just a puppet! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FROM US!!" They yelled. I covered my ears and curled up, the chains chimed as they moved. "I'm alone...I have no one....I don't belong....I'm fine..."

I woke and felt tired. I looked at my arm and saw the bloody stains. I heard the door open and I covered them up with my long sleeve shirt. "Morning (Y/n), are you feeling better than last night?" I nodded not trusting what I'll say. He hummed and helped me up. "Shigaraki agreed that you can come down more often to the bar, and since we have new members you can talk to them other than me and Shigaraki." I nodded once more and looked into the bar. It seemed some were still asleep. I sat down and ate breakfast with the people who were down here. It was just me, the lizard, some magician dude, some young kid, and of course Kurogiri. As I finished eating the burnt guy came in and looked at me.  "You look like s**t." He said. I gave him a sarcastic look. "Thank you." I said sarcastically. As he was about to sit down I used my quirk and made his head slam him head on the counter. The others laughed and I chuckled. I then messed with his feet, he fell back and hit a bit hard. I looked down at him and laughed. "You look like s**t." I said. He looked p***d and tried to use his quirk. I made him pinned down to the floor. "I wouldn't move burnt toast. I wouldn't want to tug your heart the wrong way now would I?" I asked. He clicked his tongue and I let him go. I turned back around and saw Shigaraki standing there. He looked at me and I looked at him, it was lasting a while until he looked away. 

"(Y/n)! Look you're on TV again!" Toga yelled while turning up the volume. "(Y/n) please come back home. Please just come home." 'Dad' said. I rolled my eyes and glared angerly at him. The bottle of anger was rising up and burst. "I'll come back home when you die!" I yelled at the TV. I felt the angry tears come down and walked out. "T-Treatment time...."

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