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It's weird...lately I've been feeling weird around Shigaraki. I don't know why but he started to talk to me more, not that I don't mind. It's just that he makes me feel funny. I sighed as I looked at my bandages. It's getting worse. I need to stop before they find out. I thought. I didn't want them to know my condition since I don't need thousands of questions on why I do it. I looked up as I heard the door open up. "Hey (Y/n) - chan!" Toga shouted as she walked in. "Hi Toga." Me and Toga have been good friends and I a bit happy that I actually have a friend. I got up and we both went down to the bar. I then saw Shigaraki with his father off his face. He wasn't actually that bad looking. I blushed and turned my head away from him. Why does he always have this affect on me? I thought and sat down next to Toga.  Dabi turned on the news once more and it was him again but....oh no. Forget that All might was on the news and replace him with Aizawa. I didn't know how to leak out her secret so....
"(Y/n) is my daughter. Please help me find her." He said with a frown. "I need all the help I can get. She's all I have left." I felt the leagues stares on me and I began to feel fear, rage, sadness...my heart began to beat faster. The voices began to laugh in my head. "They'll questioned why you never told them! They'll probably kill you since they hate him so much! Maybe Tomura would never love you!" They yelled. My eyes widen a bit. I...love...Tomura...is that I feel so weird around. I have feelings for him?! "(Y/n)...." I look up and saw them getting closer to me. I backed away scared and my mind began to cloud with the voices. Run. I began to dash towards the room and lock the door. I'm an idiot! They can get through that! I began to panic and looked around to see if I can hide. "You'll never hide from them on time. Might as well show them who you really are. Pathetic and weak." They said. "S-Shut up..." I said trying my best not to break down. "Oh fighting back I see...do I have to make it worse for you? YOU PATHETIC WEAK LITTLE GIRL!" I heard them getting closer. "S-Shut up! Shut up!" I cried while covering my ears. "YOU'LL DIE BY THE HANDS OF YOUR SO CALL FRIENDS! THEY'LL KILL YOU AND YOU'LL NEVER KNOW TRUE HAPPINESS!" "(Y/n)!" I heard the others yell. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I fell on my knees and I heard them coming in. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW THAT YOU WON'T BE THE ONE KILLING YOURSELF?! ARE YOU HAPPY THAT YOU WON'T SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN?! THAT YOU WON'T HAVE TO HEAR US! YOU'LL DIE AS A PUPPET!" the others gathered around me. "SHUT UP!" I yelled and I felt a surge of power release from me.

- Aizawa POV-
I was at the police office trying to stay up a bit longer. Until the lights bursted along with the windows and the ground shook a bit violently. "What the hell was that?!" An officer asked. I walked out to see the whole city's electricity down and window glass shards all over the place. I saw a male holding his arm. I ran over to him and help him up. "Call a medic!" I yelled. "The powers down!" One yelled. Then the emergency broadcast came up to tell everyone to stay calm. What in the world just happened right now? I thought and helped the guy into the building. I looked at my phone to see it dead. I just had it at 70%...what quirk did this? And who had this quirk?

- Tomura POV-
I groaned and sat up. The ringing in my ears began to start a bit. I looked up to see some of us down and unconscious. I then face at (Y/n)'s direction. "(Y/n)!" I crawled to her and held her in my arms. Luckily I had my gloves on at this time. Her shirt was a bit messed up but she was bleeding from her mouth and nose. I put my head against her chest to hear if her heart is still beating. She's still alive! I sighed in relief and heard the others getting up. "Sh*t what happened?" Dabi asked as he sat up. "Was that her quirk?" Spinner asked. "I don't know..." I responded. (Y/n) began to cough more blood. "Kurogiri!" I yelled and he took her from my arms. He nodded and went to heal her. I looked outside to see heroes and police officers running out to help people in need. Luckily they were leaving from our direction. Roads were ruined, windows were shattered, cars crashed into one another, the electricity was out. My eyes widen from all the destruction. "S-She did this?...." Toga asked while looking shocked from it as well. "What else is she hiding?" Compress asked. We all left the room and got candles to light up our rooms. Yes...what other secrets are you hiding? I just hope you'll be okay. I thought before going to sleep.

- All Might POV-
I was with Midoriya until the ground began to shake and the water was pushed back. The lights went out and glass was shattered from the houses. "W-What was that?!" Midoriya yelled as he got up from the ground. "I don't know." I turned to my buffed size and went to help as many citizens I can. I couldn't believe from all this destruction I saw. Who could've done this?! "Young Midoriya go back home!" I yelled. He nodded and wished me luck. I ran around helping people and I took out my phone. It's dead?! I had it at 85% a minute ago! The emergency broadcast came up to alert people to stay calm and stay inside their homes. I ran to the UA school hoping to find the other heroes there.

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