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- All Might POV-
How could this be?! No she wouldn't have...but...I clenched my fist and looked down at the table. She nearly killed Midoriya and the other students. She destroyed half of the forest. How though?! She only had one quirk unless...I felt so disappointed at myself for no paying attention to her more. She's a villain now. She still hates me and probably coming for my head. I'm so sorry...I wish I can tell you how I feel.

- (Y/n) POV-
I looked at the kid and he stared at me. Tomura took his attention away and began to talk about him joining us. I zoned out until I heard an explosion. "Tomura!" I shouted and ran to him. He raised his arm up to his left. "Nobody touch him." He ordered and picked up his father. I looked at the seeing that he was looking for a way out. "Pizza Delivery!" We heard. Just then the wall Spinner was leaning against bursted down. I was about to attack until a tree branch wrapped around me. "I've should've saw this coming!" I laughed a bit on anger. I looked up to see his face. "(Y-Y/n) please listen to me." He said. I struggle to get out. "F**K OFF!" I yelled. Dabi was about to burn the branch off until he was knocked out. Grand Torino...I looked up and dodged his attack. "I thought you retired old man?" I said while glaring at him. "I trained you too well." He said with a displeasing face. "Kurogiri get us out oglf here!" Tomura yelled. Kurogiri was about to until he was also knocked out. "Sh*t Edgeshot!" I shouted. I looked around trying to think. Right when I had an idea something came up in the back of my throat.
I gasped and looked around. I looked up to see All For One. I got up and helped Tomura up. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "As long as your alive." I responded and quickly gave him a peck on the lips. I turned my head to the left seeing Bakugo here as well. All for One forced Kurogiri's quirk and told us to take Bakugo with us. "(Y/n) I may need your assistance. You and father haven't finished setting things straight." All For One said. I nodded and walked where he was. I glared at All Might and felt the anger rising up. "(Y/N) DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE!" He yelled. I had my arm up ready to aim. "I HATE YOU!" I flick my fingers and he was pushed back but not far enough. "(Y/N) I'M SORRY I WASN'T A GOOD FATHER! I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU BEHIND!" I laughed at him and turned back to a glare. "SORRY?! SORRY WAS ALL YOU EVER GIVEN ME SINCE I WAS FIVE! 'SORRY I COULDN'T MAKE IT!' 'SORRY I HAD HERO WORK!' SORRY MEANS NOTHING TO ME WHEN IT COMES FROM YOU! I DON'T GIVE A F**K ON WHAT YOU SAY! I CHOSE MY PATH AND I WON'T GET OUT OF IT NOW!" I yelled and ran at him. I ducked as he tried to grab me and I grabbed his arm. I swung him around and tossed him towards All For One.
I was going to land a hit on him until he punched me in my stomach. "(Y/N)!" Tomura yelled in worry. I crashed down to the ground and the building next to me began to crumble on top of me. "Sh*t-!" I yelled but it landed on top of me.
- All Might -
My eyes widen and I began to feel tears run down my face. "No! NO! NO NO NO! (Y/N)!" I cried out and ran towards the ruble. I dug through but it was far to deep. I then felt the ruble shake. It then exploded and I luckily jumped off to safety. "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME! WHAT KINDA HERO DOES THAT?!" She yelled and punched my face. I began to notice that she was stabbed in the side with metal bar. I grabbed her arms and made her stop. "STOP YOU'RE WOUNDED!" I yelled. "WHY DO YOU CARE?! YOU NEVER THOUGHT ONCE ABOUT ME! I HATE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BODY! I WISH YOU WERE DEAD!" She yelled in anger. "(Y-Y/N) PLEASE! I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I DID! JUST COME BACK HOME!" I yelled trying to hug her. She pushed me away and I felt myself losing my power. "I CAN'T GO BACK! YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!" She yelled but she began to lose balance. She backed away and looked down at the metal bar. "(Y-Y/n)!" I looked up to see Shigaraki holding her carefully. "T-Tomura..." she smiled but she was fading in and out. "Get away from her!" I shouted. I was about to hit him until All for One punched me out the way. "Isn't love beautiful? We wouldn't want to disturb them now would we?" He said.
- Tomura POV-
I yelled for Toga to help me. "She's losing too much blood!" Toga shouted looking worried. "Don't you think I know that?! C'mon we have to go!" I yelled. I turned back to see Master. "Go Shigaraki! You must keep fighting!" I heard him say. "Shigaraki we have to go!" I nodded and went in the portal. Please stay alive....I can't live a world without you...I love you so much... (Y/n).

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