𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Hi everyone, I know most of y'all are wanting to read the next chapter, Umm we have a small problem with that. As you guys know, I took a 2 week break cause I was going through some mental health issues.

First off I'm fine, like I'm fine, I just have some symptoms of depression and I'm getting evaluated next week, and my anxiety kinda went up and so I have problems with that.

Mostly because of school, like never take an AP class, just don't, take dual enrollment, trust me, I found out the hard way. Taking an AP class is what pushed me off the edge with mental health, like just don't do it.

And so, I kinda wanna take a break from writing this book, I'll most likely post the chapter next month or whenever I feel better cause frankly I'm terrified with what's wrong with me, like I'm angry for no reason all the time, and then everyone tells me you mad because of this and it's like am I? No, but maybe?

So everyone tells me what I'm mad about without me even knowing what I'm mad about. So I just need time, and I'm so fucking sorry for keeping the last chapter away from y'all, I still need to fix the fight scene, but I have finals to study for, I got violin lessons, I have a job and I'm still a kid, like I'm a sophomore in high school, I'm a child so it's kind of a lot for me.

But again I'm sorry for the way this came up. Like the way this was all times, I originally was going to fix the fight scene today and post it today, but I got news that I can't transfer out of my AP class cause my councilor said "you don't meet to qualifications cause your formatives are good but you didn't study for your unit 3 test" and it's like, I studied and failed, it happens.

And then she's all like "you didn't turn in your summative notes" and I was like I did, they were just late, ask my teacher about that. And like I told her how this class feels and she doesn't want to move me after I have shown the fucking signs that in not ready for an AP class and I'm struggling and they're like "you have to do well in AP to move down to pre AP or on level" and it's like that's bullshit.

So I had a mental breakdown cause of that and it kinda just made me feel exhausted because I did all my work to leave and it's like you can't leave. Like I did all of it for nothing, so that's failed that class which means I'm only going to get half a credit if my move me down, and if they don't I have to retake the whole ass corse.

So I'm gonna take a break from writing cause I'm just not feeling my best and when I feel my best I write better. Again I'm hella sorry about how this was timed, like fucking this book has one more chapter and she's gonna post and it's like SIKEEEEE she's leaving again.

I'm sorry, but I promise that when I feel better and I figure out what's happening I'll come back! I swear!

And please, if you read this and want to comment, don't comment stuff like "you're barley a teen, calm down" or "doesn't sound like it's much" or "please post the last chapter" like please, don't comment stuff like that, I get that to a lot this might not seem a big deal, but I've never gone through this all at once, like everything building up and my cup is overflowing so I'm trying to drink it all to make enough room, but it comes back like magic and I'm trying to drink it all and it just keeps coming and coming and coming and I'm drowning.

But um, yeah, sorry again that I won't be post the last chapter, I'm really sorry, and sorry for the rant, I really need to rant, cause like I ranted to my friends and they understood completely so I'm grateful for them, but I kinda wanted to rant and explain why I'm taking a break, ya know?

Sorry for the inconvenience of this, thanks for the support on this book, 14k and I'm really happy you guys like it.

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