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guess who's back people with mommy/daddy issues :)

For the next few days Asteria was taking care of her mom and she had to pick up a job, it was a lot, school, mother, work, karate, repeat. She was stressed, but she managed to keep herself under control.

At karate everyone knew what happened to Johnny. She was with Hawk and Miguel on the mat when she saw Johnny enter, she grabbed Miguel's hand and they walked over to him.

"Hey, Sensei, I'm sorry about your loss" Asteria started off and they began walking.

"Thanks" He mumbled.

"How was the funeral?" Miguel asked.

"As good as any funeral can be." He said and they stoped.

"Yeah" Miguel mumbled.

"So how'd it go around here while I was gone?" Johnny asked the two.

"Great, I mean Sensei Kreese is though, but uh he knows what it takes to win" Asteria said and Miguel nodded.

Johnny walked away to his office and the two left to their friends.

"Everybody get your gi's on. Training starts in 5 minutes" Johnny said walking out of his office with Kreese behind him.

Everyone began to mumbled confused. "Yeah? What's wrong?" Johnny asked and the kids walked up to him.

"N-nothings wrong, I just thought we were going to the woods to get special training today" Miguel said and Johnny looked behind him to see Kreese.

"What's happening in the woods?" Johnny asked.

"Well, I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys." He said and Asteria raised an eyebrow. "And the girls too, I suppose" Kreese added on and Asteria rolled her eyes.

"How?" Johnny asked.

"Coyote Creek." Kreese said.

Johnny sighed and looked at the kids then back at Kreese. "I'm not sure they're ready for that" Johnny protested and this made Kreese scoff.

"There's only on way to find out." Kreese whispered.

"We're ready Sensei. We wanna prove ourselves" Hawk said.

"It's up to Sensei Lawrence. If he says it's okay, then, and only then, is it okay." Kreese explained.

Johnny looked around the room and gave in. "Alright. What are you waiting for? Let's go" He said.

Everyone got excited for the training and they all walked out.

The students were now all at Coyote Creek standing in two lines facing each other.

"Gentlemen. Ladies" Kreese started. "Welcome to Coyote Creek" He said as he was holding a red headband. "You've been split into two teams" He said while slowly walking through the two lines. "Red. And Black" He said and Asteria looked up at her red headband. "The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are not your friends."

Asteria looked across at Tory who had a black headband on. "They're not your brothers" Kreese continued. "They're not your lovers—I'm looking at you, Asteria and Miguel" He teased looking back at the two and the class snickered and some chuckled.

Asteria looked away embarrassed and Miguel smiled softly at the girl who was his now enemy again. "They're now your enemy." Kreese said making everyone stop. When he reached Johnny, the turned around and faced the kids. "Last team standing, wins" He concluded.

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