𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲

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"Bow" Johnny said as he and the kids bowed. "Fighting positions" He said and they got ready. He walked forward and nudged Hawks leg. "Stabilize your base, Hawk. Keep your balance. Full rotation on when you strike." He said and have a demonstration.

"Yes Sensei. Hai" Hawk said and punched the way Johnny did.

"Did you just flinch virgin?" He asked the kid next to Hawk and then continued walking around the kids. "Holy shit, we got a room full of flinchers." He said.

"YES SENSEI" The students yelled.

"That was not a question!" Johnny yelled at the kids. "Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face" He asked as a few kids rose their hands. "Put your hands down. All your lives you've been avoiding fight. So you don't break your nose, or lose a tooth." He said walking up to the front of the dojo. "This concussion nonsense. So, there's only one solution and that is before you leave this dojo, each and everyone of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face. Ms.Robinson, line em up. Unflinch this group." Johnny said.

"Yes sensei" She said and Johnny walked away to his office. Aisha walked infront of virgin and Asteria bit her lip knowing that shit was gonna hurt.

Aisha cracked her knuckles and punched the poor kid. "Damn" Asteria whispered and saw Miguel walk off the mat and into Johnnys office.

Miguel walked into his office and began to speak. "Hey sensei I need to talk to you"

"First aids under the counter. We got a bleeder" Johnny said while still looking at the magazine in his hand.

"No" Miguel said as other boy groaned at the pain Aisha gave him. "I mean yeah we do, there's a lot of blood. But this is about something else"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well there's a girl at school-"

"Is she hot?" Johnny asked while interrupting Miguel.

"And she's super smart.." Miguel continued not listening to his Sensei. "Funny and cool"

"Hot?" He asked again.

"Yes. She's hot. Super hot" Miguel finally answered him.

"Is it Asteria?" Johnny asked and Miguel made a face.

"What? No!" He said quickly dismissing the idea of him and Asteria.

"Really?" Johnny asked surprised.

"Yes. Why would you think I like Asteria?" He asked genuinely confused.

"Well you guys aren't exactly discrete. When she gets all fiery and about to run her mouth the first thing that comes to your mind is holding her hand or wrist. Besides, I see the way you two look at each other-"

"Like friends, but also somewhat enemies" Miguel clarified and Johnny nodded.

"So continue with the other hot chick" He asked.

"I think you'd really like her, she likes karate, and...I wanna ask her out but I just don't know."

While that conversation was going on Asteria and the other kids were still watching Aisha punching other kids. "What do you think they're talking about?" She asked Hawk who was holding his bleeding nose.

"I don't know. Maybe it's about Samantha?" He said randomly not wanting to talk about this.

"The girl Miguel likes?" She asked.

"Yup. Wait. Why do you want to know?" He asked and looked at her.

"No reason, just curious" Asteria said and looked at him. "Damn you bleed a lot dude" She said and walked over to her backpack and took out a tissue. "Come here" She said and gently took of his hand from his nose and cleaned up his bloody nose.

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