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The next few weeks consisted of work and more work. My Mom has been trying to set me up with her friends sons. She was driving me crazy. God love her. I'm sitting in the break room at work on a Thursday afternoon drinking coffee and eating some chips. I see Shelly come in and head straight for me. I smile and watch her sit down with me.

"I have a house for you. It's a mother in laws place. Plus it's rent free", she said. I look at her like she is crazy.

"What are you rambling about", I asked.

"I know that you are going nuts at your Mom's. I have a solution for you", she said and gently kicked my foot.

"Is it at a serial killers place. Who the hell lets someone live rent free", I asked.

"Guys that are good people. There's a few things you need to know. Will you let me show it to you after work today", she asked standing up.

"I guess so", I said and stood up too. I go back to work and wonder the whole afternoon about what a free place looks like. It will be a total dump I'm sure. At five I clean up my work space and walk to the main office. I see Shelly smiling a big smile and I shake my head.

"Come on I can't wait for you to see this place. Your going to love it", she said and pulled me to the parking lot. I just follow and get into her car. She babbles on about how cool this place is and I quietly listen. We pull into a huge driveway and I look at her and then at this monster house.

"What the hell", I ask?

"Just let me show you before you make a decision. Come on it's in the back", she said and pulled me through the gate. I see a huge flower garden and a big swimming pool and a cute little house. I look at Shelly and my mouth hangs open.

"Wow", I whispered.

"Yeah I told you it would be good", she said and dragged me to the little house. She opens the door and pulls me in. We look around and both fall in love this house.

"What the hell is the catch. This is way to good to be true", I said and turn to her.

"Sit because it's going to take you a bit to process this", she said and sat at the table. I sat down and gave her a side ways look.

"Do you have any idea who lives here",?

"Umm... no should I",?

"Kyle, Dave, and Jay live in this house. Kyle owns it", she said and saw my mouth fall open.

"Why would they want me to live here", I asked in confusion.

"Well that's the catch. Do you see all the cameras around the room", she asked and watched me look around. I see a bunch of cameras in the room.

"This place is all wired up with a bunch of cameras. The only part of this place that isn't on camera is the toilet. Everywhere else is wired", she said and let it sink in.

"What in the hell. Shelly why would you think I would do this", I asked.

"I think you need to go in a totally different direction. You have been this very plain, safe, sad, frustrated woman since forever and these men are hot as hell and want to watch you live. This is perfect. No rent. No parents. No expectations. These boys will leave you alone if you want them too. This place is so awesome and it's on amazing property", she said.

"No way. I can't do it", I said and stood up. I walked to the door and turn to see her gesturing to a camera.

"Please lets go", I said and hung my head. I quickly walk to her car and get in. It takes her a few minutes to come to the car. I don't know what to say to her and she is quiet. When we get to my car I hop out and walk to my car.

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