Thirty Six

22 4 1

As I stretch and rub my eyes I feel Taylor give me a swift kick.

"Baby I'm just waking up give me a minute before you start kicking me", I mumbled and then realized he was probably stretching also. I giggle at the thought and look down. I am suddenly showing a baby bump. A true baby bump and I get excited. I stand up and grab my phone. I walk to the full length mirror and snap a picture. The bump is sticking out nicely. I send it to all the guys and with a smiley face. As I finish in the bathroom I see my phone light up.

"Hey Kyle", I said into the phone.

"Nice photo shop", he teased.

"It's real I assure you. It feels odd almost. It's cute though", I said.

"Mykel there is no way that you just woke up with a baby bump", he said.

"I promise you I did. I will bring you lunch and show you", I said as I made myself coffee.

"Okay, that would be nice. It's been a little crazy here today. Harry is swamped will you bring him lunch also", Kyle asked.

"Yep, did Z stay and work there today or did he go to Dad's", I asked.

"Bane needed him today", Kyle said and I heard his other phone ring.

"I'll see you at noon", I said and we hung up. I eat some yogurt and then take a shower. As I am getting ready none of my pants fit. I find a pair of sweats that will barely stretch over the bump. I go into Harry and Z's room and find a tee shirt of Z's to wear. Z is smaller than Kyle and Harry. He's as tall but not as bulky. I tie the back of the shirt in a knot and find my shoes.

"I guess I better get some clothes today. This looks terrible", I say and grab my phone and keys. I pick up subway for all of us. When I walk in it seems off that I am not working. I stand in Kyle's doorway and wait for him to look up. As soon as he does he rushes over to me to see the bump.

"Oh my god how the hell is this possible", he asked rubbing at the stretched skin.

"I don't know all I know is I have no clothes that fit now", I said and smiled.

"Yeah Z's tee looks cute on you", he teased and kissed my mouth.

"Shut it. Let's get Harry and eat and then I am going shopping', I said and let him page Harry. Harry was worse than Kyle and needed to not only touch my bump but see it. He thought I was wearing a fake bump. After mauling me for five minutes he kissed my skin and stood up. The simple action of him kisses my skin turned me on too much. I had my hands squeezed tight together and I was trying to breath.

"Did I hurt you", he asked.

"No my body just went into hyper drive of wanting to be fucked", I mumbled and looked at both of the them. Kyle's eyes got wide and Harry just smiled.

"Is that normal or are you just going to be the oddest knocked up girl ever", Kyle asked.

"It's normal. I thought it would happen maybe next month but I guess it's happening now", I said and sat down. We ate and chatted and I let the boys know my plans for the day. When I left I went and bought some basic clothes and then went to the baby store. I picked out the furniture I liked and bought some basic supplies.

"Where are you", I hear in my head as I put the diapers and wipes and other items into my trunk.

"Baby store. What's wrong", I asked Z.

"Meet me at home. We have a problem. I don't think you are in danger but I want to make sure. I called Kyle and Harry already and let them know what is happening. Come home", he demanded.

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