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I'm in the pool alone. All the guys are gone and I'm enjoying my quiet evening. The heat of June has become too much today. I came home and immediately got into my suit. I don't get out until I'm totally wrinkly. I get into my jamas and lay on my couch. As I am laying there I get really cold and start to feel really bad. Soon I am in the bathroom vomiting. After about the fifth time I lay on the bathroom floor with my pillow and a blanket. I am woke up by a soft hand running over my forehead and cheek.

"Mikey I need to lift you and undress you", I hear Harry say. I moan as he carefully pulls my body up. As he does I realize I'm covered in vomit and I start to vomit again. He positions me over the toilet but nothing can come out. I start to cry because it hurts. He gently rubs my back and looks at Kyle in worry. I sit back and look at him with glazed eyes.

"Let us get you cleaned up and then into bed okay baby", he says and pulls my shirt off. Soon he has me sitting in a nice warm bath.

"I'm sorry", I whisper as my head lolls back. They get me washed up and into clean jamas. Kyle lays me down and covers me up. I'm asleep as soon as I lay down. Harry brings me some water and a big bowl just in case. Kyle sits on the end of the bed and sighs.

"I will stay with her until the morning. Go get some sleep brother", Harry says and touches his shoulder.

"Thanks I'm wiped. If you need me I will have my phone near me", he said and kissed my forehead. He makes a mental note that I have a slight fever. Harry sits on my couch with some coffee and watches t.v. for a few hours. At three thirty he comes in and lays with me. I snuggle into him as I whine and moan. He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead. At six he is woke up by an agonizing scream from me. I am doubled over on the bed crying.

"Honey what's happening", he asks.

"It hurts so much. My lower stomach feels like someone is ripping out my insides", I cried. He touches my forehead and I am burning up. He grabs his phone and calls Kyle.

"We are going to the hospital now. Get dressed. My keys are on my dresser. Meet me at my car quickly", he ordered and got up to get his shoes on. He pulls his hair into a messy ponytail and grabs my extra blanket. He wraps me up and picks me up. I groan in pain and he apologizes. Kyle has the door open and the car running as Harry gets in still holding me. It scares him to watch my face change as the pain comes in waves. When they get to the hospital Kyle takes me and they are met with a gurney as they enter the hallway. The nurse starts to ask a bunch of questions and then they take me into a room. The guys are taken to the receptionist to get me admitted. They take a bunch of blood and start an i.v. drip. When the guys get into the room I'm rolled into a ball again.

"I'm sorry your sick honey", Kyle says and touches my back. He can feel the heat coming off me and that worries him.

"I can't believe how much this hurts", I said.

"Do they know what it is", Harry asks.

"Not yet", I said. Soon a tech comes in with a ultrasound machine. As he looks at my lower stomach I try to stay still. I'm holding onto the sheets so hard that my knuckles are white.

"What do you see", Kyle asks him.

"Not much. There is some fluid where there shouldn't be but that is all", he says and sends the pictures to the doctor. He leaves and I roll up again. Harry watches as tears slide down my cheeks.

"We're here love. I'm so sorry your sick", he murmurs against my cheek. I reach up and touch his cheek with my hand. We wait for what seems like an eternity for the doctor to come in. When he comes in he is taking off guard a bit. I'm in Kyle's lap with a blanket over me. Kyle is slowly rocking me back and forth.

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