Twenty Nine

40 7 2

I feel myself falling and landing on the ground. I feel the pain radiate through my midsection. I fight to open my eyes and can't. I start to panic and feel myself start to shake almost violently.

"Z", I yelled but no sound comes out of my mouth. I try and try to make contact but nothing. I feel myself start to cry because of the fear. I cry forever it seems with no word or touch to help me. I slip under the blackness that I felt like I was fighting.

"Mykel can you hear me", someone is saying but it sounds totally muffled. "Mykel, wake up girl". I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch in pain.

"How the hell did she get out here", I hear someone else ask.

"Just take her in the house", a female voice said. I feel hands pick me up and carry me. I groan in pain and try to open my eyes. I reach out for something and come in contact with a hand.

"What's happening", I asked softly.

"She's waking up ", a male voice yells. I cringe at the loudness and cover my ears. "Sorry, I forgot about the headache that you get with the sedative", he apologized. I blinked my eyes over and over trying to get the blurriness gone. I feel so beaten up that I my whole body aches.

"What the hell", I whispered.

"Leave me with her", a female said coming into the room. I turn to look at where the voice came from and I see a female that I somewhat recognize but in my fog I can't remember. The man that was sitting by me gets up and leaves. I try to sit up and it hurts so much that I lay back and close my eyes.

"Not sure how you ended up outside but the fall should have killed you", she said and sits in a chair.

'What the fuck is happening", I whispered. I try to mentally go over my body to see if anything is broken. I'm pretty sure I'm just really bruised up.

"I honestly thought you would be bigger", she said. "When I first saw you at Kyle's I thought the info on you had to be wrong. You are just a tiny little thing", she says. That is when it registers who she is. I open my eyes and look at her. I smile at the memory of throwing her in pool.

"I get that a lot. Why do you have me", I asked.

"Good question. I don't think your ready for the answer so I will just say that you should get comfy. Don't toss yourself out the window anymore please. I would like to be the one that stops your heart", she says and walks to the door. "Oh and don't try to contact your boys the whole place is magically locked down", she said and I glared at her. I closed my eyes in pain and let myself drift off. I woke up with a start hours later and looked around. I slowly sit up and take in my whole surroundings. I groan as I stand up and feel the pain wash over me.

"Holy hell", I breathed. I walk to the bathroom and use the toilet. I gasp at the black and blue markings all over the back of me. I look in the cabinet and find it empty. I shuffle back to the room and sit on the chair in there. Suddenly the door opens and a man walks in with a tray of things.

"How are you Mykel", he asks.

"Okay, who are you", I asked watching him closely.

"My name is Devin and I am going to look after you while you are here", he said and handed me two pills. "They are just advil for the pain", he said and opened my hand to set them on my skin. He held a glass of water and waited. I take the pills and drink the water. "I will be leaving this here. Please try and eat this. You have been here about 48 hours and I am sure you are hungry", he said and turned to walk away.

"Two days", I asked loudly.

"Yes, now eat", he said and left me alone. I look at the food and know that there is drugs in the food and drink to make me weak. I know I need food though because my body is weak. I eat a few bites of each item. The fruit doesn't taste bitter or wrong so I eat most of it. I walk around the room slowly and look out each of the windows. I touch one of them and feel the magic working. I sit in the middle of the room and close my eyes. I reach out to the boys as hard as I can and get nothing. I feel the tears roll down my face and I start to shake.

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