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I was nervous and Kyle knew I was. He strips to his boxers and gets into my bed. I pull on a tee shirt and leave my panties on. I climb in and lay next to him. He pulls me into his chest and slowly rubs my back.

"Thank you so much for going", he said and kissed my head.

"Your welcome. I like your family. Harry I think might be a handful but I think it's a phase", I said and smiled.

"No he has been that way since he was little. I've beat his ass before for stupid shit that he did. I love that boy but he is a shit", Kyle said and I giggle.

"You were the same way weren't you", I asked and looked up at him.

"Yes", he said and smiled down at me. I lean up to his mouth and lick his lips. He pulls me up onto his lap and I kiss him. I kiss his jaw and neck and move down his chest. I stop at his stomach and look up at him.

"I really want to learn but I'm worried I will be really bad at it", I said and smiled.

"Don't use your teeth and don't squeeze to hard with your hand", he said and I sat up. I grab his boxers and pull them off. I grin at the fact that he is getting hard. I stroke him with my hand and run my fingertip over the slit. He sighs and twitches a little. I remember the porn we watched awhile ago and try to do the actions that I had seen on there. I lick and suck until he is panting and moaning. I form a suction with my cheeks and he grabs my shoulders.

"I'm going to come", he said and tried to pull me away. I wanted to try and swallow so I just kept going. "Babe... jesus...', he grunted out as he let loose in my mouth. I got most of it but ended up with some of it on my lips and on him. I slowly lick it all off of him and myself.

"Wow that was amazing", he said as I laid next to him.

"You are just saying that", I said and blushed.

"No really if you want to do that everyday I would let you", he said and pulled the covers up on us.

"I rather like having the control. I may have to do that more often", I teased and kissed his chest lightly. I look at the clock and see that it's past one. I get up and turn on my music and turn the lights off. I lay back down and cuddle up with him. It feels so safe laying with him.

"We should go on a picnic tomorrow", I said as my eyes start to close.

"What ever you want to do baby", he said.

"Good night", I mumble as I fall into my sleep.

"Good night... love you", he says. I hear it but I don't recognize it. I hear a scream and sit up startled. Kyle isn't next to me anymore and that makes my heart race. I look around and get out of bed. I walk to my front door that is open. I look out and see my Mother standing by the entrance.

"Mom what are you doing", I ask.

"You have to come with me. You are turning bad and I fought so hard to make you good. I can't let you be like your Dad", she said in a panicked voice.

"But I'm not bad. Mom you know that", I said.

"You are... why do you think I kept you on a short leash. You are bad", she said. I feel the tears sting my eyes but refuse to let them out.

"Don't listen to her. She just wants to hurt you. You are not bad", I hear behind me. I turn and see a man standing a few feet away from me. I look between him and my Mom.

"No Mykel get over here. You are coming with me. Get away from her you evil man. You can't have her", my Mother screeched. I turn to the man and watch his eyes turn from blue to black. I realize I am looking at my Father. I stand there frozen and in shock. He has my eyes and same hair color.

Be Mine! (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang