Dress Stress

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Oh the above song is one of Brantley's new jams! It can be found on the Fire and Brimstone Deluxe Edition! Nothing to do with the story other than me thinking you guys should give it a listen!! So anyways on with our story!!

Jenna giggled and shook her head as she shared a laugh with her younger sister Paige as they began setting up Jenna's company that she was about to entertain. Jenna had invited well Paige of course! Their mother, Brantley's mother and Brantley's step mother over for the afternoon. Jenna had even made a few different appetizers and a few different desserts. Today was the day! The only thing Jenna had on her mind was finding the perfect dress for her special day!

Paige looked around the room before she looked at her older sister. I think that's everything we need she smiled. When is the lady from the dress shop getting here? Jenna sighed before rubbing her temples. Hopefully before everyone else she groaned flopping onto it

I got ahold of the dress shop we went to last weekend in Alpharetta. I had someone pull the 5 dresses I tried on for you and those are the dresses I'm going to try on today. So hopefully! I find myself a winner. Or at least something that makes everyone happy Jenna sighed getting comfy into the couch.

Paige sighed as she looked over at her older sister. You don't sound very happy Jen. At least for someone marying the love of their life. Jenna shook her head. No! I am happy I swear she smiled. I just want everyone else to be happy too! Paige rolled her eyes as she stood up.

Jenna Ducote! Paige yelled. No one else's happiness matters at this point! This is your wedding not theirs! If your name isn't Brantley or Jenna your opinion doesnt matter! The day is about you two. Not a single soul matters! So today we find the dress of your dreams! Got it!

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