They were all planning to paying a lot more attention to this fight than the other two.  Chrollo was flipping through pages while keeping one hand on the page he saw earlier.  Gon was stretching in preparation as well.  If he was going to be using 70-80% then this would prove to be a challenge if it lasted long enough.  Gon was both excited and nervous for this training.  It would definitely be the first time he got a proper workout.  This was sure to be fun whether or not he had a chance to use nen properly.  He might even be able to use rock.  Shalnark stopped them just as they were both getting ready to fight.  

"Hold on, I want to get the others."

They obliged and waited for him to return with the others.  They were all backed away from what was sure to be destruction as much as they could.  This only encouraged Gon more.  He was well aware of his own limits and had a pretty good grasp on everyone else's.  The issue was, the more power he used, the less control he had.  Not all the time, but after so long he could potentially lose control.  Despite his reluctance to hurt his friend, Gon had no intention of holding back anymore than he was asked to.  If the boss orders something he is obligated to obey right?  

Gon and Chrollo returned to their ready positions and got ready to fight.  Gon had never used one specific strategy against him so Chrollo had no idea what to expect.  All he knew is that Gon never made the first move.  So he had an opportunity if he followed his plan to the tee.  Gon, however, made the first move.  He was behind his opponent faster than any of them could see.  The focus it would take to  see the movements would be difficult to hold.  Luckily for them, they were entranced by what they were going to see happen.  

Gon flipped Chrollo backwards, but unlike in the other fights, this wasn't one hit and we're done.  If Gon was hit then it would be over, but so long as Chrollo could stand, it was fair game.  The latter got up and kept his cool, thinking up a new strategy as he hopped around the abundance of attacks.  

Gon has never instigated the first attack during training as far as I can tell.  That must mean he is taking this as seriously as I am.  I will just have to wing it, no strategy will fool him.

Chrollo took his thoughts into account as he flipped through his book and found the ability he wanted.  It was a simple ability, highly increased speed and agility.  It would certainly come in handy against on opponent like Gon.  He weaved his way around countless attacks, all the while still looking for a good offensive ability he could use against Gon.  

Chrollo has kept his book open this whole time.  He must need it for the ability to work.

Gon knew what his plan was and he intended to make it work.  Chrollo was a worthy adversary and Gon acknowledged this as he had dodge with much more care than usual.  He was good at deflecting his own attacks back on him.  His only issue, Gon noted, was that he relied on the same moves in different patterns.  That would surely be his downfall.  

Chrollo finally found an ability near the end of his book that he thought he could use against Gon well.  If Gon was an enhancer then his ability was mainly enhancing strength and speed, so all Chrollo had to do was make those things useless.  This ability had been stolen from a hunter he met before he made the troupe.  Once activated the user would be covered in a protective barrier.  It can't be held for long but it should last long enough for him to land a hit.  Chrollo activated the ability and didn't try to dodge the next punch that was thrown at him.  

As Gon's fist connected with his face Chrollo didn't so much as flinch.  He smiled and moved in for his own attack.  He had maybe five minutes at most to achieve this.  He had to be efficient.  Gon might not be able to do anything with his strength but his speed was still helpful.  Dodging attacks was fun for Gon, it kept him on his toes, but a constant onslaught of them got tiring.  But his stamina was high so he would be okay.  He just had to wait until Chrollo switched abilities.  

He lasted for seven minutes, longer than usual.  He switched to an ability that should shock Gon long enough for him to land a hit.  He activated Kurapika's chains.  Just as he had wanted, Gon froze, not quite long enough to land an attack but he froze.  He had caught him by surprise, so that was something.  That was progress, at this rate, Chrollo would be sure to land a hit on Gon at some point.  Gon had no intentions of losing to anyone just yet.

He wasn't going to lose to an ability that he knew he was strong enough to beat.  If he could do it against the original user then he could do it now.  He was going to stick to his plan.  He just had to disorient him and get the book from Chrollo.  The smirk that grew onto Gon's face was a dead give away that he had a plan.  Everyone watching only grew more focused as they saw the chains flying threw the air.  The sharp edges lashing towards Gon, being dodged with ease.  

He broke one, then a second, then the final three.  Chrollo scowled as his plan failed but didn't stop trying.  He activated Hisoka's ability next.  This was his best chance of winning, Hisoka landed a hit on Gon if he remembered correctly.  He was confident in this attempt.  

A/N:  This chapter was longer than some of the others so I hope you liked it.  Please leave critics on my writing or something so that I can try to get better.  If you have a fanfiction request then please comment or private message me.  I finally got all of my old chapters republished.  You are absolutely perfect just the way you are and you deserve the best person for you.  People who degrade you are not worth your time and remember to wait for a person who supports you and treats you well.  

The Cost of VengeanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon