I'm baa~aack

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The next chapter is to be posted tomorrow and we'll be back on track for the final 4 chapters.  

Also, this is completely irrelevant to any of you but I have Tourette's syndrome (finally diagnosed properly) and am currently acting as my grandmother's caretaker.  So, there isn't a problem with either of those things.  I am living and coping with both of those things and I have found it to be rather fun with the added challenge of school and writing.  But, I have to cook and clean and everything for her.  

The thing is, Yesterday I was cleaning the stove off and washing dishes and I had to put a knife away.  That in itself is dangerous for me, but I did it.  I had to hold it in like a stabbing way type of thing to put it up and I had a tic.  I stabbed myself in the freaking thigh like four, five times.  That shit hurted dude.  I had a thick sweatshirt and jeans on, so they aren't that deep.  I laughed so hard and I called my friend and she responds to the knife in my leg with "OMG twins.  But my dog did it not me."  Rude brat I just needed moral support to remove the weapon.

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