Chapter 10

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Gon explained what happened as he watched images fly around.  

"He was woken up from the noise.  He was walking cautiously around fallen rocks.  He heard someone approaching and got ready to fight.  They had power that he didn't prepare for.  It was Killua.  I can tell by the power.  He knocked him out."

He removed his hand from Feitan and helped him sit up.  

"You got really lucky.  Usually the amount of electricity he uses is enough to kill anyone."

Gon looked from Feitan to Chrollo.  

"We should go.  They could come back.  I'll go get Shalnark."

Gon went to grab Shalnark, but the latter wouldn't budge, claiming to be too sore.  Gon sighed and threw him over his shoulder.  Shalnark protested slightly until Gon moved him so he wasn't in pain.  He walked back out into the other room and started on his way to the door.  

"C'mon, Feitan are you good to walk?"

He nodded slowly and started following Gon towards the exit.  The others followed silently, watching to make sure Feitan wasn't going to collapse.  Chrollo grabbed his cloth of items and followed the rest of the troupe.  

They stole three cars and Gon laid Shalnark in the backseat of one  He drove and Feitan sat in the front seat.  Gon had never actually learned how to drive but he figured it would be easy enough to pick up.  Chrollo drove the other car with Nobunaga, Phinks, and Shizuku.  The final car was being driven by Machi with the others riding.  They drove to York New city, stopping once at a diner for food.  

Gon brought food out to Shalnark since he was being dramatic.  He sat with him and ate his food.  Once they were all done they continued driving and made their way to the city.  After arriving, Gon gave them directions to an abandoned area of the city that he'd seen when he was there last time with Killua.  

There was a warehouse in the center that Kortopi duplicated 23 times.  They entered one on the far left.  They had Gon and Phinks carve out areas for extra rooms.  Once they were done, Chrollo opened his cloth and the items returned to their usual size.  They each collected their belongings and claimed their rooms.  Phinks helped Shalnark move his things into his room.  Once everyone was moved into their areas Gon smashed his and everyone else's phones.  

After a couple of yells and protests he pulled out a new one for everyone.  

"They probably tracked me.  So, I grabbed extras while you all ate."  

They set up their new devices, putting the new numbers into each one.  After they all went to bed and slept through the night.  Gon was the first to wake up as per usual.  He absolutely hated being such an early riser, but that's the price you pay when having lived with aunt Mito.  While he waited for the others to wake up, he decided to look for anything that might interest Chrollo.  He had found out that the Phantom Troupe, despite the obnoxious amount of training, they didn't actually go on that many missions.  

He was looking online for any big auctions or things like that when Phinks walked in.  He looked at the laptop screen before grabbing a cup of coffee.

"For someone who used to be so good, you sure are eager to join the bad guys."

"I don't think I was ever 'so good.'  Quite the contrary, I think that I was trying to be a perfect hunter to find my father.  It turns out however, that I don't really care too much about him, why should I, he left me.  Besides, all the deep stuff aside, doing this kind of stuff is really exciting."


Machi walked in next and ignored the pair, choosing to go make herself some coffee.  When she exited from the kitchen again, she sat down at the table with Gon.  Gon closed the laptop and announced that he was going to run some errands.  He quickly changed into a black crop-top and skinny jeans.  He left out the back and headed to the market.  He pulled out a list that he'd made the night before.  

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