Chapter 25

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"Boss, it's been ten minutes, should we go look for him?"

"No, he'll emerge within the next ten minutes, or we assume him dead and leave."

Phinks exchanged worried looks with a few other members before anxiously turning his attention back to the houses remains.

Groaning, he lightly pushed the pieces of rubble off of himself. He stood up, ducking so as not to hit his head on an upper layer of rocks and brick. He could see Zeno, still unconscious, across the ground. He pushed through a little more rubble to be able to get some actual light in the room.

He's still breathing.

Gon sighed, he should've hit harder, saved him what would probably be later trouble for him. He lifted rubble haphazardly off of him and stumbled his way through the broken home. He shoved a particularly large piece of rock to the side and continued looking for a way out. He was tired, power beyond exhausted but he was getting annoyed. There should've been some way to get through by now. After a rough ten minutes of squinting through the dark open patches of the house and Gon was done. He sent one large chunk of the wall flying upwards with a punch and jumped out of the house before it could fall back down on him. He hopped around the falling rock of the mountain and made his way to where his friends were. He hoped he was right, his nose was undoubtedly broken and bleeding.

He had a limp that he couldn't fully hide. The femur in his right leg was crooked and he didn't take the time to try and put it back somewhat. He was only showing the injury slightly, his limp almost not there. To be completely honest and blunt, it hurt like a bitch, but what could he do until they got back. He ran as fast as he could, which was still faster than most people could on a normal basis. He found them not too long after that. They were stood staring at the still crumbling house. He walked up to them, doing his best to hide the injuries he could. Their attention immediately diverted to the small greenette as they noticed the extra presence.


Shalnark? He's still awake?

Gon smiled a large smile and nodded his head towards the path.

"C'mon we should get going. They might wake up."

"I seriously doubt that, but let's go then."

Phinks was still staring at Gon in mild shock. The majority of the troupe had never seen Gon using more power than absolutely needed, but they got to see a whole new level of that now. At least at this point they would believe them on the power level. Gon wasn't as tired as he was now when he fought Pitou, which didn't make sense without proper explanation. His theory was that after fighting with the ant he wasn't knocked out so he still had the adrenaline to keep him going at full ability. Now he was fully aware of any and all injuries without anything killing the pain. He coughed from dust inhalation. It blanked his pain receptors for a few seconds of relief before came back full force. He would have to have Machi look over him when they returned.

"So, you are really that strong. It's not just that much more during training."

It wasn't a question anymore. Nobunaga was just stating his now proven capabilities.

"We told.. you."

Gon only nodded, focused on pushing back the pain shooting through his leg, back, and shoulder.

Feitan was walking more towards the back with Phinks, who was carrying Shalnark. He was going to bring up an observation but Phinks brought it up first.

"Is he... is he limping?"

"Yes. His back is stiff too."

"Maybe he got hurt when the building went down on him."

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