Chapter 13

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Even without his arm, Gon was sure that he could win, even if he had to up his power a little bit.  Hisoka was aiming all of his attacks at Gon's right side, not really giving him a good opening to attack.  Gon was stumbling back every time he had to adjust to block across his body.  

He was getting rather annoyed with this whole thing.  He disappeared instantaneously, reappearing to the, now, back of Hisoka.  Assuming Gon would try to sneak behind him, Hisoka had turned around in preparation.  Gon would up Jan Ken Rock, and just as Hisoka had turned back around, hit him, at 90%, right in the stomach.  

Hisoka didn't get up, he was unconscious.  Gon walked away, picking up his dismembered arm and going back to where the troupe was.  While he sat on the ground for Machi to reattach his arm, at Feitan's insistence.  There was no way he was going to fight someone who wasn't at their best.  Nobody brought up the fact that technically speaking, Gon was never at his best.  

Gon looked at their little betting ring and looked at Phinks.  

"Wow, I feel like I should be a little offended."

"Hey!  In my defense, the last I checked Hisoka was a lot stronger than you.  Or at least that's what you made it look like."

Gon smiled up at him, getting scolded by Machi for moving too much.  Shalnark and Shizuku went inside to get some food for everyone before Feitan and Gon started training.Gon wound his arm around a few times, waiting for the last of the pain to go away.  When the food arrived, Gon ate slowly.  The others ate while exchanging their money.

"Hey are you guys going to be betting on us again?  Cause I want in every time you do."

Gon talked around his food before getting a resounding no from the members.  

"We've all lost or gained enough money for a little while, thank you."

"Hey, who's fault is that, you bet against me and we made it very clear that my power level is insane.  Just be lucky you never had to fight Hisoka.  I had to use like 80%-90% power for him."

Phinks looked like he was trying to decide between anger and shock.

"That, what just happened, wasn't full power?!"

"I told you, I don't trust myself using my full power, so no."

He continued eating and pulled his phone out of his tattered shorts.  He played a game for a little bit.  Really, he'd been ready to fight anytime.  He just wanted to see how long Feitan would wait.  After about fifteen minutes he heard a huff before he was grabbed by the arm.

"We fight now."

There wasn't room for argument, not that Gon had any.  His clothes were already torn up and were only going to get in the way.  So he removed the remnants of his shirt and threw it to the side.  His shorts were still good enough to wear, so he just tossed his phone over towards Shalnark.  

The fight was about to begin when Gon stood up straight.

"How much power do you want me to use this time?"

Feitan took no time to think about his answer.

"Whatever you think best."

Gon nodded and lowered down to forty percent.  The fight started and within the first minute everyone could tell he was going way easier.  Despite that indisputable fact, Feitan was still partially struggling to keep up.  As they fought Gon thought about the irony of this whole situation.

Not even three months ago, if he'd been having this fight, he would've been aiming to kill.  Now, he was doing this to train his friend.  He laughed at the situation.

"Hey, Shalnark, why don't you join him.?  I told you that I'd train with you too."

Shalnark hesitated before handing Gon's phone to Phinks and joining the fight.  If Feitan was struggling yesterday, then Shalnark didn't stand a chance.  He wasn't really trying to keep up, but more so predict where Gon was going to be next.  The issue therein lies, Gon's fighting style changed constantly.  Gon thought about lowering his power a little more, but he was enjoying the feeling of superiority. 

He knew he had a serious advantage over them, but in any other part of life, Gon knew they were al better than him.  In terms of pure power though, Gon had them all beat.  It was kind of funny to think about for them all.  Gon was a twelve-thirteen year old kid and he could take down one of their fastest and strongest people, at their best.  Even though that thought would probably always be at least a little unsettling to them all, even Gon himself, they were glad to have him on their side.

They got along with Gon really well anyways, so at least it all turned out pretty well for them.  None of them could complain, so long as they didn't give him a reason to turn on them.  They were going to go inside, but decided to wait for Hisoka to wake up.  They wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be coming back.  Sure enough when he woke up, he was true to his word, sarcastic sounding or not.  He left without any arguments or snarky comments.  Gon was a little surprised to say the least.  He had at least expected some taunt.  

It wasn't like it mattered really.  Hisoka was gone now and he was pretty sure that his friends would leave them alone.  He broke Kurapika's chain, so at the very least, they should be scared for a while.  Gon would estimate that it would take roughly three months minimum for Killua or Leorio to convince Kurapika to try again.  Either that or they'd find someone else to help.  Not that it would do them any good, Gon was happy there.  He felt like he belonged.  With Killua he had always felt close to him, but always felt like he was being held back.  

It also hadn't help that he knew that he was holding Killua back too.  He worked well with this group, they let him be powerful.  They appreciated him and had a loyalty that he'd never seen before.  At this rate, Gon was making a family faster than ever before.  Nobody had gotten hurt and he was removing the restraint of himself from Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio.  In his mind he was doing everyone a favor and soon enough they would see it too.  

A/N: Hey, Hey, Hey. I hope you're all enjoying this and please feel free to leave critics and requests. If you prefer anonymity, you can message me privately. As always, remember that every single one you are beautiful/handsome people and should take time to love yourself.  

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