Chapter 39: The Distortion

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The moment she saw the figure emerge from the shadow of the tree, she was stunned as if she saw a ghost, her face growing ashen. Ghostly.

She did not do as much as pretend nothing happened, because the dimly glimmering silver blade reflecting what little starlight the dense canopy of the forest let through spoke louder than she ever wanted to hear.

"I-I think you've misunderstood!"

Shrilled a female voice in night air, and the other male next to her widened his eyes in horror, figuring that they were in big trouble—life or death situation—with their secret brought to light.

"I-I can explain!"

Dawon backed as Hoseok stepped forward, trying to pull the male in front of her as a defence while the male shoved her in front—a lowly struggle of filthy beings. Hoseok didn't mind who the first sacrifice was; they were both dead to him anyways.

"He-he forced me!" Dawon cried. "I fought back but he-"

"Stop the fucking lie you bitch!" the man roared as he shoved her back. "You begged for it-"

His vision was red.

Within the darkness of the night, his bloodshot eyes turned his vision crimson.

With the pushing and pulling while walking backwards, they eventually fell, thudding on the ground, drawing their breath in as the predator emerged in a foot length while they had nowhere to go.



Deep voice thundered, squeezing his gut.

The man was begging for his life, and the woman twisted her face in fear, tears falling off relentlessly. Her unsightly awry face or her grating cry didn't forbid the reaper from swinging his scythe high in the somber air.

And then Seokjin's smile flashed in his head.

How he looked like he belonged to the place when he was with this egoistic rapacious rook, who was crumpled at his feet. It was no other than the same person that he did truly find his happiness—at least in that moment.

He felt broken.

Something cracked in his heart, and something welled up, brimming in the curve of his lower eyelids but he refused to let it go.

"Get lost."

The words through his gritted teeth were hushed in the heaviness of the air, almost dissolving in the darkness before the tail of it being caught by the weak.

"Eh...?" breathed Dawon.

"Get lost as far as you can and never show your faces before us—if you do, I will make sure my face is the last thing you see as you draw in your last breath."

The two let out a scream of agreement or gratitude, Hoseok couldn't tell or care, and soon vanished in the deep forest scurrying away.

Hoseok wasn't sure how long he stood there.

What brought him to his senses was the sound of steps on dry grass, followed by a herd of people, the one leading opening his mouth upon the encounter.

"Lieutenant General Jung?"

It was a sound of surprise of seeing someone unexpected, alone in the darkness of the clouding trees. Cautiousness resting on his shoulders fading as man's grip on his sword relaxed.

He was a guard from the first unit and the crowd behind should be the rest of them, searching for escaping Seokjin and Dawon.

"We were wondering where you were. I guess you came looking for them before us?"

Hoseok stood there silently, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Seeing he wasn't going to get a response, he asked further, "have you seen Roh Dawon, sir?"

Then finally Hoseok decided to open his mouth.

"She's dead."


"I killed her."

The guard widened his eyes slightly, probably not expecting that reply from this man.

"Oh," he sighed. Clearly not in shock as Dawon's life wasn't much of a problem. Instead his next line was infused with a doubt which he failed to hide. "Where's her body?"

"Down the cliff," he said coldly, ticked being the one interrogated. "I can lend you a hand if you want to go find her corpse down there."

The young ignorant man shivered at the frosty expression of him that betrayed no emotion.

"No need," a thick voice emerged from behind, signaling the younger to step back with his huge hand on his shoulder. He, of course, would be here; General of the first unit.

"Good job Lieutenant General Jung. His Majesty shall reward you."

Hoseok watched blankly as the man ordered the herd to head back.


He was more in need of a severe punishment. For not being able to see the malicious intentions, not being able to protect the person he swore his life on.

He wanted someone to condemn his crimes.

And his wish was granted.

He earned it in the most deserving manner, from none other than Seokjin who heard the news, caught in the almost broken down shard. More than the fact that he was caught by the unit, dragged forcefully to his residence he desired to throw it away, he struggled, hurt, crying in agony of loss. He hurled Hoseok with all sorts of reproach and shattered cry of how his most trusted person betrayed him, and that was the most befitting punishment Hoseok could receive—every disappointment in his tone tearing him into pieces.

He was a sinner.

He didn't mind being one if it meant to protect his master from a further heartbreak.

And that secret was to be buried along with his own dead body.

Loud jubilant chatters wafted through the night breeze, lifting the air.

Yes, Hoseok snapped out of his memory lane, today was a festive day, the most exultant with the news of Misun's pregnancy, blessing for the future of the dynasty. Hoseok was still standing there on the bridge quietly, glancing on the rippling of the water surface.

Seokjin had finally found his happiness.

And Hoseok swore, this time, he'd never let it slip through his fingers.

"Long live His Highness and his family. May the dynasty flourish."

Toasted Hoseok, glancing up at the glowing full moon that decorated the night canvas.


And we're back to present!

I'm glad I could finally cover their background story :)

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