Chapter 23: The Glow

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Lady Myungok screeched at the man in front of her, who was kneeling down apologising relentlessly.

It was when Namjoon was five. He was playing around in the courtyard with Seokjin, and as he was running away from his brother, not paying attention to where he was headed and collided with the man. He tripped and fell, causing small grazes on his hands and knees.

The man was a tradesman who regularly came to the palace, and he was on his way to see the Lady. Seeing who he hurt, his face instantly turned ashen.

Hearing the incident, Lady Myungok and Empress Eunjeong arrived at the scene. Seokjin who had caught up was also present.

Furious at the sight of her son's scratch, the Lady instantly accused the man.

"Do you know what happens when you hurt a royal blood?"


The man knelt and bowed deeply, his forehead kissing the ground several times.

But truthfully, the one who wasn't careful was Namjoon. Seeing the painful scene of the man frightened and apologising for his own mistake, he clenched on his trousers.

"Mother, please let him go. It was my fau-" "KEEP QUIET!!"

Namjoon shuddered from his mother's sharp command.

"How many times did I tell you, you should be proud of your blood? Letting the man who shed your blood go? WHAT NONSENSE! I must teach you better than that," the Lady gave a scowl at her young trembling son before she returned to attack the man again.

Namjoon's mother had recurrently told him that he was of royal blood, and no one, not even a bug should disrespect him. And for that he was supposed to be eminent, unapproachable and unforgiving.

His mother was the absolute authority for him. Not wanting to disappoint his mother, he was an obedient son.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life in prison or die immediately?" sneered the Lady.

"P-PLEASE NEITHER OF THE THOSE! I-I'm truly sorry for my mistakes b-but I still have a young son and daughter who I need to feed, and I just cannot leave them behind...! PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT THOSE!!"

The man begged desperately, and one would think his head would fall off from the amount he bowed.

But his heart ached at the scene, while all he could do was clench on his trousers tighter. Hearing the loud noise, few workers gathered, looking at them from afar, probably gossiping about the temper of the Lady. His uncomfortable consciousness was swelling.

Seokjin who was quietly observing the scene standing next to Namjoon spoke, "you want to save him, don't you?"

His mother was absolute and he was obedient.

After a short pause, Namjoon nodded shakily.

Patting lightly on his back, Seokjin stepped forward.

"Lady, I think the punishment is too heavy," Empress Eunjeong tried to calm the Lady in her innate soothing voice.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid if this was about your son, you might be doing the same," the Lady tried to compose the politeness and she succeeded, but her voice was so stern that didn't allow a room for argument.

"Lady-" however, the Empress did not give up on convincing her, when a boy soprano cut her through.

"You've got the wrong person!"

The Lady glanced down at where the voice came from, and smiled in frustration.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, what do you mean by that?"

"I was the one who was chasing Namjoon. Which means, I'm the bad guy. So punish me!" he uttered those words ever so confidently, making the Lady baffled losing her words.

"...No, it is not your fault Your Highness," the Lady finally replied, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"But it is."

"...However it is, this humble one will never punish Your Highness."

"Then I believe Lady will punish no one!"

"May I know why?"

The Lady was clearly annoyed but she refused to take down her plastered smile.

"Because you decided not to punish the one at fault—which is me. If this man were to take my blame, then that would mean I was punished too."

The witty eight-year-old smiled at the Lady. Lady was glancing down at the tiny figure at her feet—so small that she could kick him and he would be flying helplessly. Her smile was unchanging but her eyes glinted with resentment flared up.

But he was the Crown Prince, and she was a consort.

"Lady...please be merciful," the Empress appeased.

In the end, the man was forgiven, although he was never to step in the palace again. Which was probably for the best, although he had lost the high-spender for his business. The Lady seemingly dealt with everything calmly after the ruckus, but nobody noticed her tightly clenched fist.

While the adults were doing the talk, wrapping up the matter, Seokjin who was smiling in satisfaction came back to Namjoon.

"Th-thank you," he mumbled.

"No, you don't have to thank me," Seokjin smiled brightly. "I only did what you wanted to do. I know you're kind and thoughtful Joon-ah, and your hyung will always be there to support you!"

His eyes.

Namjoon had never seen anything more bright, crystal and reassuring as his.

Namjoon could only hopelessly blink at the glow.


The flashback will be on hold, and will get back to normal timeline from the next!

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