Chapter 28: The Path

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"I must say, I'm glad you came along with me, Namjoon!"

Seokjin smiled at his younger brother riding a horse side by side, followed by a few guards behind. They were passing through a mountain forest, on their way back from their expedition to the Southern State.

"Thanks to you, we had a successful discussion with the new head state, and I believe things would progress well hereon."

"You're being too kind hyungnim."

Seokjin was being honest. Seokjin was approachable and Namjoon was smart, when the two worked as an ally, things turned out smoothly.

"I'm only stating a fact. I think our Empire will be invincible if I have you covering my back. You're my proud brother," Seokjin grinned.

Namjoon on the other hand, couldn't look at him, with only uneasiness growing in his heart. "Please don't say such words...."

"Hm? Namjoon-ah, you look pale. Are you ill? Shall we rest for a bit?" Seokjin, worried at how spiritless Namjoon was, looked into him.

"No, that's not it...."

The plan was to kick off any moment.

The assassins disguised as bandits will attack them, with Seokjin's life as the target. Namjoon was supposed to pretend to counter them, pretending to be carried away deep in the forest and let Seokjin die. There were only a few guards to protect them, and the palace's most skilled guard, Seokjin's personal guard Jung Hoseok wasn't here.

Such an opportunity will never come again.

The moment Namjoon gripped the rein tighter, a loud roar thundered from behind.

A group of men riding horses charged towards them, holding their glimmering swords high up in the air.



The guards screamed and yelled, receiving a strong blow from the attackers.

Seokjin was startled, but surrounded by few guards, he quickly unsheathed his sword, keeping the opponents away.

"Namjoon! Protect yourself!" Seokjin yelled, while slinging his sword fiercely.

To look after someone else while he was surrounded by assassins? Was he a fool? Namjoon thought, but quickly replied, "hyungnim! Please stay safe!" while he himself swung his sword against the opponents.

As planned, the bandits directed Namjoon away from the rest, pretending to fight. Within the clashing sound of swords echoing in the deep forest, Namjoon could hear his thundering heartbeat as the figure of his brother grew further away, slowly getting buried by other figures, losing the battle.

"Please forgive me. I will make amends for the betrayal in the afterlife, hyungnim...."

—In the palace, at the office of the Bureau of Astronomy

"Let's go out!" said Misun in excitement, pulling your arm.


"I want to go buy things for my baby," she whispered in your ear, tugging you closer. "And I want you to come with me."

Everything was so sudden, but her excitement seemed to have infected you, and you felt a light skip in your heart. Just as you stepped out of the house, you were greeted by someone.

"Y/n! ...and Lady Misun? Are you going somewhere?" Jungkook widened his big doe eyes.

"Your Highness. We are going to the city to do some shopping," Misun replied to him accompanied by a bow.

"Ah, shopping? May I tag along? I bought this for Taehyung hyung's coming birthday but I'm thinking I could get something extra," he said, taking out a purple fan from his sleeve. He snapped the fan open; the fan was painted with a sophisticated dark orchid, with bright white plum petals dancing on its surface. The silvery white tassel on its pivot multiplied the feeling that this fan was exquisite and lavish.

Kwandae purple—you mumbled to yourself. So this was how it truly looked. Refined, extravagant, a perfect match for Taehyung.

"His Highness the Third Prince's birthday is coming?" you asked.

"Yup, in two weeks!"

"I'm afraid that I have to decline your proposal, Your Highness," Misun interrupted. "We are planning to attend our feminine matters."

Jungkook, startled hearing 'feminine matters' blushed slightly. "O-of course! Sorry for bothering you."

"Then we'll take a leave," Misun bowed elegantly and started to walk. You followed.

"Oh, don't forget to take Hoseok with you!" Jungkook advised, in which Misun replied with a smile.

Taehyung couldn't remember how fast he used to walk—something unthinkingly done, but right now he was alert about everything, even how he breathes.

It had been a few days since he lent his robe to you, and it was about time he asked it back—all because his wardrobe was short of robes (although it was packed with 30 or more usually) or so he told himself.

He was headed to the office to see you, only to ask for the robe. Probably not the most convincing reason why his heart was beating a beat faster.

He was about to turn around in the corridor, when he almost bumped into someone.

"Your Highness the Third Prince," said Hoseok. He was leading his unit somewhere, probably to the field. "My deep apologies for my carelessness." he bowed deeply and sharply, such of a strictly trained guard.

"No, I was the one not looking where I was going. Thanks for your good work," Taehyung coughed awkwardly, then walked off hurriedly.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung walking briskly in the courtyard, towards the office housings.

"Hyung!" he called out. "What brings you here?"

"I, uh, came to collect my robe from y/n."

"Oh, that's too bad. She just left for the city with Lady Misun."

"To the city? For what?"

"They said shopping," for their feminine matters...Jungkook gulped in the rest of the words.

"Just the two?"

"No, I told them to take Hoseok with them."

"Hoseok...? I saw him just now training his unit," Taehyung knew his voice was going lower.

"En? But they left like fifteen minutes ago...."

Royals, especially women, needed to take guards with them whenever they went out. But it was only shopping in the streets, and they must have dressed as a commoner. He didn't really understand why they didn't take Hoseok with them, but they must have taken other guards, right? Nothing serious should happen, should it?

However, Taehyung couldn't ignore the jitters he felt.

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