Chapter 59: The Jade

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"The Second Prince has escaped!"

The announcement swivelled the assembly that morning.

The officials speculated on the two most probable ideas—either he had fled and disappeared, or he went to join the Northern forces. The latter was emphasised more as he had taken few trusted guards along with him. It reminded you of the cold gaze Namjoon had given Taehyung, and the sadness he had had in return. Was it necessary that they fight? Was it necessary that they kill each other? How could their destiny be so twisted?

Whether the tea tasted stingingly bitter, or chokingly sweet, you couldn't tell.

Your mind was brewing the worst case scenario that could happen, which ended in blood and an unmoving body. Among the heavy marching noise of the troops, the clashing sound of swords, the roar of armies, dust and sand, there was a man in a purple robe tainted in red. He probably wasn't wearing his usual robe and was heavily armoured, but in your vision, he was always strikingly glowing in that purple robe. But all you could see now was that pristine spotless robe ragged and tarnished in crimson.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

A soft voice called you back to reality. Your eyes roamed in air before they captured the worried pair of Misun's. The afternoon in Misun's residence was quiet. Being clear of your charge, Misun asked you to come over and spend time with her, and honestly you were more than willing to, if that meant to ease her pain. But maybe, you weren't suited for that. Not when your mind was a clutter and your heart a disorder.

"I'm...sorry Misun, I'm okay," you assured, although you knew you were lying to yourself.

"No, you're not," and she could see that.

She took away your cup and placed it on the table, and grabbed your hands. They were warm and soft, just like how you used to remember.

"You're worried that someone who gave you this ring might hurt, right?" she said, softly grazing her thumb over the jaded ring you wore. You inhaled sharply.

"No, this is just, uh, an accessory," you muttered, not knowing what you were supposed to say.

"You don't have to lie to me, y/n. I saw exactly who wore the same ring," she looked straight into you, and you lose words. There was something about Misun's gaze, so true and honest that made people strip their barriers and walls. It was something so genuine that made you feel the urge to give in.

"And you don't have to pretend you're okay with me," she cupped your hands tighter. They were warmer than yours.

"Because I know what it is to lose a loved one," she breathed. "I know the fear and pain. I know."

She knew. You felt your heart squeezed in the intensity that you felt pain within. Imaginary, of course, and it was nothing close to what Misun had gone, or was going through. And yet she was here, holding your hands, sharing your pain, instead returning them with warmth.

"He will come back, y/n. He will come back, alive. Because he knows you're waiting. And so you shall pray for him, and when he comes back, you shall welcome him with open arms."

All of those were hopeful. Nothing was certain, and you knew that much, but when the words were carried by Misun's gentle voice, they reverberated in your ears and you felt the sting in your eyes.

"How-" words roll out before you could even manage.

Misun blinked a few times before she gave a smile. Weak but strong. "I am going to become a mother, y/n. A mother of my beloved. A pain is there, but I will not let that take away the precious moments I will live with this child."

You saw Misun's eyes through your blurry vision. You saw pain, remorse, warmth and above all, the undefeated.

Taehyung was scared of the night passing. Because every next morning told him his effort was useless.

It had been a week since he had reached the border. It had been a week since the Northern army initiated the attack, and the palace army fended them off.

Taehyung didn't believe in suppression. He hated the idea of killing people. The Northern people had their own reason for being upset, and while Taehyung couldn't let them break through and harm the people of the Central State, that wasn't a fair reason to end their lives.

And that was why he was trying to reach them. Solve the problem by talking it out.

The army Generals must have been thinking he was weak and gullible. There was no time for a chitchat when the other party was clear on fighting. He had tried reaching Lady Myungok's brother, the one who was leading the army, and it was all but a futile attempt.

"Your Highness, I brought you dinner," called the General from outside the tent.

Taehyung allowed him in and he placed the tray in front of him, adding to say that he had to eat something for them to keep on going, before he left. Taehyung observed the tray. There was only a minimal amount of food, nothing compared to what he had had back in the palace, and yet he knew he was having more than what others had. Their resources would soon be running out, the armies were exhausted being tense for a week. He also knew that the raging of the Northern armies were rising. Taehyung knew he just couldn't keep on going like this.

Before he left, Yoongi had predicted that tomorrow will be the day—the day that would decide where the things would settle. It was about time he accepted his own fate.

Taehyung brushed the jade ring on his finger. The reason he could stay stronger. A promise he had to keep.

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