Time for a Q&A!

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Welcome welcome my wonderful readers! So firstly I want to thank everyone who sent in a question, it means a lot so thank you so very much!

I also wanna thank you guys for getting me so many reads here! It's unreal and it makes me so happy to see the view count go up every day. So as promised, here's a panel style Q&A of all the characters in Guns And Roses!


Grim (me): Greetings awesome guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Grim here, and I'll be conducting the panel by calling on fans to ask their question(s) for the characters of Guns And Roses, and then the respective character will answer. Sound good, guys?

Rose: sounds good to me

Bakugo: what is this? Who the f*ck are all these people?

Rose: Someone seems a bit more family friendly-


Grim: Yeppers peppers, now if you're done, I'd like to continue with the questions.

Mei: Yeah!! Let's get this going! I can only imagine fans are dying to hear from the brilliant minds behind this!

Grim: aw thanks-

Mei: I was talking about me!! I'm clearly the star of whatever this is by my outstanding brain and skills! Of course the audience wants to know more about me and my companions!

Grim: well you're a little off there, Hatsume, but essentially yes, I think the readers would like to know more about you all.

Kirishima: Then let the Q&A begin! Let's go!!

Grim: Yeah alright! So for the first question...*points* uh you in the front- the gal I've definitely never seen before-

Peachy: hi Grimmy!!

Grim: dangit, Peachy, they can't know you know me

Peachy: oops! Sorry lovie

Grim: that's okay. Did you have a question?

Peachy: oh yeah! I got a bunch!

Grim: great! Go for it

Peachy: ok!! So peachy_cheeks_sweet here, and my first question is to Grim (my love úwù): how are you so amazing and perfect >:0?! NFKEN OKIE BUT ALSO where do you draw all your inspo for your ocs from??? they're just so creative!!!

Grim: aw love, you're too kind, to answer you question, I draw inspiration for my characters from really anything. Most I create loosely based on the people in my life, like Q was based around a great teacher of mind and Mickey, Rose, and Honey were based off good friends of mine. Lunchbox and Rocket came from the idea that I just wanted a side character with those names, so I developed fleshed out characters that I thought would reflect them. A lot of my characters have started out as flat ideas, but I'm glad to see them so evolved from how they started.

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