Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Beta: Codename Jellybean (ff)

Updated: August 20 (2015)

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"Okay, rule number one: My living room isn't a bedroom, make-out-room or whatever you want to make of it. Nick's old office is empty, so just do whatever you want with it. Rule number two: I couldn't care less about your personal life, just use a Muffliato charm whenever you'll be louder than a normal person who's asleep. Rule number three: My uncle sent me the contract you signed with some guiding rules. I just want to point out that you will never ever join me with family-events. It's bad enough to see you every day, let alone you joining me there. Besides, my dad won't like it too. Four: New Year's Eve never happened. Five: We won't communicate in any way except if it's absolutely necessary. Six..." Rose went on and on about rules. Her rules in her house. He was only a guest. She made it quite clear that the only reason that she hadn't killed him already, was because he needed to prevent her from being killed.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Are you done now?" he asked. His fingers ticked on her desk and she shot him a look full of hate. Why did he walk into her office? Why did he want to know what she had to say this time? Why did he think she was kind?

"Shut it and get lost, Malfoy," Rose answered, waving to the door. She hated him. More than anything in the world. She hated what they'd done and she hated the fact that if she thought about it, her face would turn bright red. He was such a different person that night, but so was she. There wasn't a night that could compare to that one. Not only the part that happened in the bed, but also before that. The conversations they had, it was fun and carefree. In the morning, however, Rose had realized the mistake she'd made. They weren't totally sober and in the end he would only leave her. Someone like Scorpius Malfoy couldn't handle Rose Weasley and her confusing and complicated character. Everyone like him had already left her, even Nick, so Scorpius wouldn't be different. Rose sighted, slowly. In and out. Back to work then, she thought, but Scorpius never left her thoughts.

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Mary Dolohov was a woman of thirty-three, born in 1997. Nine years older then her, Rose thought. She attended Durmstrang from 2007 to 2014 with N.E.W.T.'s for DADA and – to Rose's surprise – Muggle studies. This woman really knew what she was talking about. After Dumstrang, she trained to become an Auror, but stopped in her last year to create the Knights of the Walpurgis. She did this, with her fellow-Auror-in-progress members Donald Rowle and Terra Macnair. They had the same story – bastard-children of Death Eaters – and this united them. Their fathers are hold by the English Ministry of Magic and that led the way. The names of the knights sounded familiar and Rose knew it was time to talk to her father. He never really talked a lot about the war and what happened, but this time she needed the information for her job. This wasn't information she wanted others to tell her, like so many things did happen like that. People who stared at her, said to her that she needed to thank her parents and uncle and tell them they said hi. The most humiliated part was during her History of Magic class, her teacher told the class everything that happened and everyone stared at them. At Rose and Albus. Sometimes even at Helga, Frank and Scorpius. When Rose got home for Christmas after that, she told her parents that she wanted to know what happened. She wanted to know their story, the way only they had experienced the war. And now this. Rose knew that she could just go to reliable sources to ask them some questions about the war, but Rose wanted to know what her father could tell her, because then she would really now what she was dealing with. He could tell her more facts than she needed for her case. It didn't look good and Rose wanted to win this case really badly. But she also wanted to know how dangerous her case really was.

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