Chapter 7

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Chapter 6 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Updated: December 13 (2015)

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"We need to talk." It wasn't even a question. Scorpius just bombarded Rose's office and stood still. It was a quest. Rather now than later. He knew they needed to talk for a long time now, but finally he had the courage to actually say something. It was true that he needed to protect her, but the woman could be terrifying from time to time - not that he would ever admit that.

"Do we?" Rose asked. She, however, didn't even bother to look up. He sighted. Of course this wouldn't be easy and of course Rose wouldn't make it any easier. She just acted like nothing happened and that would be okay, only if for a fact he knew that he couldn't do the same. So yes, Rosie, they do need to talk.

"You know we do," he answered, thereby. He tried his best not to sound too moody, but at the way Rose was still not really in the mood to show her interest, he knew he'd failed.

"Do I?" she asked. He sighted and looked at her. Why couldn't he just talk to her, telepathically if necessary, so she just had to listen? Why wouldn't she just shut up already and give him the opening he was looking for? Why did she make it her mission to make everything so hard for him? Why couldn't she just... - ah, shove it, it was Rose Weasley for Merlin's sake, of course she wouldn't make it any easier for him.

"Shut up, Rose," he answered. He just needed her to listen to him. To let him tell her the truth. And if she wouldn't make it any easier for him, he wouldn't make it any easier for her too. Acting like he was irritated and walking away wasn't an option. Making her mad actually was.

"It's 'Rose' now, isn't it? Surely you don't expect me to call you 'Scorpius' or something like that?" she reacted. He rolled his eyes. This wasn't the way he wanted to talk to her. This wasn't the way they should talk to each other. Not anymore. That time was over. It was childish and foolish. They'd grown up, right? Sure he hadn't. Some thoughts from before even proved that. No more irritated reactions, he'd promised himself. Just tell her the truth.

"We both know that New Year's Eve did happen and we can ignore it, but it still happened," Scorpius began. He hoped she would say something to...inspire him somehow, but she didn't.

"Yeah, it did happen. Sex happens, Malfoy, you know that better than I do," she said. Scorpius didn't laugh, but just sighted. Again. Grow up, don't do anything stupid, let her be the child, he forced himself to calm down and continue.

"You know, Rose, you have your mouth full of things you like to say about me. Most things are true, probably, and I won't lie about that. Still, now I want to talk to you to make things better and you are rejecting me. I don't get that!" he said. He leaned against the door and his face was heated. Calming down wasn't exactly an option, was it? He wasn't really good at this, he realised - not that she was any better, ignoring the current situation was even worse than becoming angry about it. At least they were sort of talking.

"But I don't want to talk and that's the thing. You think that we have a history, which can be forgiven and forgotten, but I'm not like that. I don't want to talk and heal things. I don't want us to be friendly or anything like that. I just want to be finished with my case, so you can leave my house and we never have to speak again," Rose answered. She wasn't exactly calm, but definitely calmer than he was. Her face was a bit red and the blush spread to her neck and Merlin knows where. Scorpius swallowed and tried not to be that obvious. It wasn't true, he told himself. The way she'd acted around him that night, even before twelve o'clock, were how he'd seen her acting around her family. She did act friendly around him and it just went like that. He didn't have to do anything to make himself feel better or anything. It was just...right.

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