Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Published: June 23 (2016)

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Lorcan was pissed. Not so much as an hour ago, but he was still partly pretty much pissed. His colleagues knew well enough that his fiancé was in the hospital, but they still insisted he had to work. Lily agreed with them, of course, telling him she wasn't worth losing his job over - o boy did he disagree. His job became slightly better when he got to work on Helga Jordan's case. She lost her baby because she had taken some kind of unknown poison and Cedric was now interviewing her, which was taking very long. Long enough for Lorcan to walk towards the cafeteria, only to discover that some other girls were taken in after passing out. When he heard a Healer saying it was because of a potion, Lorcan went down to the administration office to ask some more questions. The girls had been downstairs the whole time, because they were waiting for their friend Helga, when slowly the girls had passed out with little time in between. It would be very 'accidental' that Helga ánd her friends were passing out - which caused Helga to lose her baby. Poison often was stuffed into drinks or food, but the girls wouldn't deliberately poison their friend and theirselves, right? 

Lorcan had been upstairs waiting for Cedric five more minutes more after his coffee break, but that was enough. His brother was an Auror - not really an important one, but good enough to convince Lorcan that most accidents, weren't accidents. So he walked down towards the room where the girls were resting now. Just like Helga, they were healed in no time and thus Lorcan was permitted to go in and talk to the girls.

"You're Katie, right?" he asked, when he walked in. The girl smiled and sat up.

"Yeah, often confused with Kelsey, but only because of our names," she laughed. Katie had long brown hair and an olive skin, but she looked a lot whiter because of the passing out.

"I have a few questions - I'm Healer Scamander and I'm busy researching your friend Helga. By now I think you all know that you've been poisoned?" Lorcan said professionally and Katie nodded.

"Helga's situation is a bit more complicated as she was pregnant when she was poisoned. Do you have any idea what it was that could've poisoned you?" he continued, hoping that she would understand the medical reasons behind his questions.

"I don't think Helga has any poison in her home - I mean, she's almost a Healer too, you know and she wouldn't just take any poison into her home. Plus, we checked everything we took with us in our basket we gave to Helga, so I actually have no clue," Katie said, but she looked sad saying that.

"I wish I knew what it was, I feel so incredibly stupid and I feel like we all killed Helga's baby," she admitted slowly.

"But Kate, the last drink we drunk was from that wine bottle from Kelsey, we didn't check that one," a girl had walked into the room together with the other girls.

"Sorry, we heard you two talking over here and we wanted to help," another girl said.

"Yeah of course we didn't check the bottle, because Kelsey told us it wasn't wine, because she knew Helga couldn't have wine," Katie said a bit angry.

"Slow down, why didn't Kelsey give the bottle to Helga herself?" Lorcan asked, while the puzzle slowly started to fit.

"Because there was something up with her boyfriend. He was finally showing up or something, after being gone for so long, so she asked us to give it to her," the first girl said.

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