Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Updated: November 24 (2015)

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"WE'RE HERE FOR ROSE, YOU ASSHOLE, LET US IN!" Rose recognised the voice of her best friend Helga and woke up immediately. She realised she had been sleeping when she saw a bit of drool on her case. Before Scorpius would've the chance to make fun of her, Rose quickly murmured a cleaning spell. She didn't need that kind of attention right now. Ever since they visited her parents, they didn't talk to each other. The only sentences they exchanged were about things they needed or insults and it was terrifyingly unsatisfying and she got quickly tired of it - not that she would ever tell Scorpius. The sky was that dark, that it could easily be the middle of the night or - like Rose's clock declared - Monday evening, nine p.m.. It was one of the things Rose hated the most about the winter. It was dark that soon that her body always told her that she needed to stop working, while in fact, she hadn't been working that long.

"I AM HELGA JORDAN, YOU PAIN IN THE ARSE, NOW LET ME IN!" Helga screamed. Rose knew that Helga was only warming up right now. If she wouldn't show herself right now, Scorpius - Auror or not - would be dead in less than an hour. She smiled by the prospect of that, but she really had missed her friend a lot, so she walked towards front door to see her best friends standing there. It was funny to see how scared Frank looked. He was standing at least a fifty inches away from her and Rose wondered who he was trying to protect; Helga, Malfoy or himself

"Rose, finally! I almost thought he kidnapped you!" Helga said, but before she could run to her best friend, Scorpius stopped her – again.

"Malfoy, back off, they are my friends," Rose said, while rolling her eyes. Malfoy and his overprotectiveness - he almost acted like her boyfriend.

Whoah, Rose, stop yourself there!

"How do you know they didn't use polyjuice potion?" Scorpius said to her, while he turned around.

"Because I know how my best friend is like, unlike some other people," she answered. She turned to Helga and Frank and immediately smiled.

"I haven't seen you two in like forever! What are you still doing there? Come in! Come in!" Rose hugged the two and pushed them into her living room. Scorpius stood at the corner of her living room, not knowing what to do. He obviously didn't agree with Rose, but he did realise she could use some privacy.

"Malfoy, you can leave. I'm with my friends; nothing bad is going to happen! Merlin, Al would be so much easier with these kind of things!" Rose said and waved to Scorpius untill he gave up and left the room. Helga and Frank sat down on her couch and Rose went to the kitchen to bring some drinks. When she walked back to her living room, she looked at her friends and laughed a bit. They were here, at her house, being friends. Of course they were lovers too, but this...this behavior was her favorite when they were around her. Instead of being an awkward couple that couldn't stop kissing, smiling or even looking at each other, Frank and Helga were able to be normal and be friends.

"So, what is Malfoy doing here?" Frank asked, when he took a sip of his butterbeer. Rose knew that Frank knew the answer to that. Frank was an Auror, like Albus and Scorpius and because of their age, they'd done everything together - even though Frank always tried to convince Helga he thought Malfoy was a douchebag. Frank didn't ask this question because he didn't know the answer. Frank asked the question, because he wanted to know what she would answer - and perhaps because Helga didn't know Malfoy was her bodyguard.

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