Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Published: November 1 (2016)

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The more Rose thought about her plan, the more she got excited again. Scorpius wasn't the only one she needed, she needed her little brother as well. Hugo Weasley had ended up in Ravenclaw, but persuaded a career in Quidditch, like James. Hugo wasn't a Seeker and a ladies-man (like James), but a soft hearted Keeper that wasn't as soft on the Quidditch field as he was in real life. He used his brains on the field, as he managed to combine being extremely logical with amazing reflexes and he really enjoyed the game. Scorpius had been a decent Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team - Rose only knew because she watched loyally all the games when on of her family members was playing (to be honest, that meant all of them). This mission was only going to work with quick flying and quick wand work. Hugo and Scorpius could make an undeniably good team, if only they felt some connection that could make them think about this on their own. They both were smart enough to, once they got to know each other, they should work together. Rose had hated Scorpius for a very long time and thereby Albus had told her a lot about him, to show them how similar they were. Rose knew that she needed time with Scorpius to make everything work, not only on paper, but in the real world. They could be good on paper, but both their tempers could stop them from being good in the real world. She couldn't deny the fact that she did know this guy very well, but her feelings - and finally admitting and accepting these feelings - for him, scared her. He wasn't just some guy to her, he was special and maybe she shouldn't think about it so much, but she was just looking for a way where she wouldn't get hurt. Hopefully Scorpius wouldn't act like his proud self and Hugo wouldn't act like the overprotective brother much, because there would be a chance for the two of them to actually talk and discover their powers. It was funny how hard she'd tried not to feel what she was currently feeling. Being with him made her feel more. In the beginning she was only angrier and more frustrated, but later on stupidly more foolish and slightly happier. She didn't even want to admit the strange butterfly-feeling in her stomach. Being in this prison, she'd fantasized a lot about the two of them together. Them teasing each other, laughing, kissing, falling in love. She knew it wasn't the reality, but it made her happy. It was the only thing that prevented her from going insanely crazy and thinking no-one would be willing to save her.

Stop...she needed to stop that. She was a good girl, strong and independent. Did she really need a man to help her out? Maybe she did, but she couldn't just give up and go on like this, could she? What kind of woman was she, declaring to the world how independent a woman could be and never even showing some kind of example of that? That just wasn't the way it should be! Luckily, she did have an advantage while she showed Kelsey and Mary she'd given up. They probably laughed about her in their "I-am-a-leader-and-I-show-off"-room. Every leader had such a place; every minister had a Ministry of Magic and Voldemort just stole the manor of the Malfoy's. The only thing now she had to do, was pretending to be dead. Maybe that would be the hardest task of all. How could she possibly brew the Draught of Living Dead in secret? Perhaps she could use her bowl as a kettle, and the ingredients had to be around somewhere. The Sopophorous bean was something they'd putten into her food. This way she was more sleepy and would pay less attention. She'd discovered this bean at her first day and started to gather them, because she wanted to stay sharp. The root of Asphodel wouldn't be that difficult either, now Rose started to think of it. Mary seemed to get a lot of Lilies from her admirers - so many, that she started to fill the dungeon with them. A helpful guard could help her with that, a sloth brain, an Infusion of Wormwood and a silver knife. He would probably have a silver knife in his pocket, as it was considered a very handy weapon which most wizard wouldn't think of having. If she'd manage to even brew the potion, the biggest question was if she'd done it right. She wasn't sure about the way to brew the potion and if she'd remembered all of the ingredients. If she made this potion and it went would mean her death.

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