Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 \\ New Year's Eve \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only things I own are the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.

Published: June 18 (2016)

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People were talking and doing things. Rose heard, felt and saw everything she wanted, but she couldn't do anything about it. Was ever wrong for her to trust Kelsey? Yes it was, except that she'd distrust Kelsey for all the wrong reasons. They'd hold her captive and Rose knew exactly who they where and what they were doing. She knew more than anyone because of her research and she'd been the right one to held captive, as her family and thereby their ministry wanted look for her, but the rest of the people didn't. They would protest, because Rose was a traitor already and then, they would say that the Knights of Walpurgis perhaps would be better than their original ministry, because even though they were descendants from the people they feared, they'd never done anything wrong themselves. It was so true and Rose saw that slowly everything fell into place. She laughed at herself. Wasn't this all very ironic? The only thing she was relieved about was Kelsey coming by during her bath and not after that. There was a letter on her desk for Daniel, asking to meet him again someday and chitchat about Merlin knows what. She was a bit insecure about sending the letter and decided to do it after her bath. It wasn't right to put Daniel in all this mess, it was better for him to never hear from her again - for as far it was possible.

Rose didn't feel the urge to fight for her freedom. She'd been in the prison for a long time now - even though this prison was definitely less comfortable. She had a feeling her war was over. Maybe her family would see the troubles of getting her back and they would just think it would be better to leave her alone if that would mean it would save her country. Rose didn't know how much time had passed since she made the stupid mistake of trusting Kelsey. Had her family already noticed she was gone? Did...did anyone tell Scorpius? What would his reaction be like? They were friends now, weren't they? Even though they hadn't speak to one another since she'd caught him that evening, they were friends, right? Would he care? Maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he would laugh it off and run to the next girl when he would discover that Kelsey was gone too. Somewhere in her heart Rose knew that Scorpius wasn't like that. All the conversations they had, everything they'd been through, she'd gotten to know him pretty well. He wasn't the kind of guy he wanted people to think he was. He was caring, lovable, kind and protecting when you got close to him and they'd gotten pretty close. She'd been so stubborn in not admitting to him what she really wanted to admit; she loved him. More than a friend. Even though it had been so hard for her to go to him and make a peace offer, she should've been more braver to tell him the truth. She was still a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake! Almost a Ravenclaw, but she'd been brave enough to belong to Gryffindor, so she should be brave enough to tell Scorpius Freaking Malfoy she loved him, didn't she? 

Merlin's beard, was Scorpius Malfoy really the only thing she could think about now? Maybe it was time to do some other brave and smart things, like thinking about how the hell she could get out of her. She was Rose Weasley for Merlin's sake! She didn't need anyone to free her, she could free herself!

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"So Scorpius, you really owe me for sacrificing my precious time to get the two of you together!" Albus said and Scorpius laughed.

"Really Albus, are you being like that? It's not like you've been planning this since kindergarten, like me!" The boys were startled by Lily, who thought too, it was finally time to bring the two of them together.

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