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april 5, 2015

you were outside playing basketball. the weather was humid, so you were wearing a thin white tank top. i feel like you wore that just to tease me, but that's silly because you don't actually think of me at all.

i watched from my bedroom window as you made every single shot. how are you so good at everything? i wonder what it would be like to play basketball with you. you would never ask me, but i can dream, can't i?

your dad came outside after a while. he was shouting at you. i saw the fear in your eyes and it made me sad to see you that way. i didn't know why your dad was yelling, but i didn't like watching you shake in fear from his loud voice.

your eyes shot up to meet mine through my window. i was surprised, i didn't know you knew where my bedroom window was. your eyes were pleading for me to do something, but why would i? you'd just yell at me for meddling in your business.

so i ducked my head down before i could see the slap your dad left on your cheek.

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