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april 10th, 2015

you told your friends you beat me up, that's why you have a scratch on your cheek. i didn't have the heart to say anything about what really happened, so i let you lie. your friends patted you on the back, saying you did a good job beating up that fag, as if i wasn't sitting three seats away from you.

you laughed. you joked around with them about how easy it was to kick my ass because i was weak, like a girl. it hurt to hear you say those things about me.

when the bell rang, you turned around to meet my eyes. you almost seemed apologetic, but i didn't let that look fool me. you've never been the biggest fan of me, so why would i let myself believe that you felt sorry?

i still watched you play basketball this afternoon. i was afraid your dad would lay a hand on you again.

he didn't, and you didn't look at my window once.

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