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june 2nd, 2015

thank god freshman year is over.

i was honestly surprised i didn't have an end of the year beating from your friends, but i guess i got lucky.

every time i passed you and your friends in the hallway, your friends would snicker and point at me, but you gave them dirty looks. i even heard you say "cut it out" to one of your friends that were bumping into me in the lunch line.

i guess i should feel grateful, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. i'm tired of trying to analyze your actions towards me. i'm tired of trying to put up a fight with your friends (not that i ever really tried hard in the first place).

i'm just tired.

at least it's officially summer. i won't have to put up with yoongi or namjoon.

and even if you still dribble your stupid basketball every night,

i don't have it in me to peak out my window anymore.

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