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may 31st, 2015


i haven't been feeling better. i've gotten worse. the loneliness in my heart is growing. even thinking about you doesn't cure this horrible darkness growing in my heart.

nothing makes me smile anymore, besides you, but only sometimes. the teasing is getting worse, not that you've noticed. i get nasty letters in my locker telling me i'm ugly and that i shouldn't show my face in school. it's getting harder to disagree with them.

apparently, this school isn't fond of fags like me.

getting pushed around has almost become a daily occurrence, but it's fine because it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. maybe i'm getting used to it. i wish i didn't have to.

you haven't look at my window in weeks, and maybe that was the only good part of my day.

maybe life without you will be a lot more painful than i thought.

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