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june 20th, 2015

i haven't seen zoey around much this summer. i'm kind of surprised she isn't at your place all the time.

all i've done so far is sit in my room and draw. i hear you outside playing basketball, but most of the time you're with your friends, so i don't even glance at my window to see.

if they knew i lived across the street from you, you wouldn't hear the end of it. and i just don't want to bother you with my presence anymore. after all, you seem much happier without me.

everyone does.

my parents aren't home most of the time because they both work, which doesn't matter to me much. it's just a lot lonelier when it's summertime.

i'm starting to wonder what it would be like if i just disappeared.

i'm sure you wouldn't notice.

seaside | taekookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora