👆🏾height difference👇🏾

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[he's 5'7 in this btw. he's taller than me now(T_T)]

If you're shorter than him

-you stand on your tippy toes to kiss him

-it easier to hug you from behind

-he helps you get things from high places

-it confuses him that a sweet looking girl can be so powerful and loud

-looks can deceive

-he loves picking you up; bridle style, piggy banks etc.

-he rests his chin un your head

-you get a very good view of his abs

-you're usually small spoon when you cuddle

if you're taller than him

-he stands on his tippy toes to kiss you

-when he hugs you his face is always buried in your chest which you both don't mind

-you help him get stuff from high places

-when you pick him up he gets flustered so bad 

-you call him smol might and he gets really flustered

-you rest your chin on his head

-you subconsciously play with his hair sometimes

-everyone thinks the height difference is so cute

-he's small spoon when you cuddle

if you're the same height[this lil bit requested by Bakuhoes_wifu]

-none of you need to stand on your tippy toes to kiss each other

-you both hug each other from behind

-him mostly because he knows you like when he's pressed up against you [(¬‿¬) nah im just playin]

-when you both need to be something from up high, you either use earth or airbending to get it or you get on his shoulders or he gets on yours

-everything is much more simpler when you're the same height

-you both can swap clothes with each other and they suit you both

-he's big spoon and small spoon

-doesn't matter that much to both of you

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