👶🏾your kids👶🏾

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[no you don't have kids yet. this is the future. i'm gonna pick their names if that's okay]

name:  gemini midoriya

gender: female

quirk: she has your earthbending quirk but she can't metal bend. she has seismic sense, crystalbending, lavabending, sandbending, glassbending and mudbending.

birthday: 9th december 

appearance: she has your h/t hair but green and your e/c eyes. she has your s/t but a bit lighter. she also has a beauty mark on her below her right eye.

personality: she is a loud sagittarius who lets her opinions be known. she is funny and carefree but she can be serious when she needs to be. she can be a smartass but she gets that from you.

names: toshi and nori[ya see what i did there;-)] midoriya

Genders: both male

quirk: they both have fire breath[from izuku's father but they would have had fire breath anyway with your quirk] and your firebending quirk. they can uses blue fire which is called flame, dragon fire. they can also lightningbend.

birthday: 10th june

appearance: they are twins so they look the same. they have your h/c h/t hair and green eyes. they have the same s/t as you and they both have freckles from izuku.

personality: toshi is the oldest but he doesn't act like it. he is shy and timid just like is father and doesn't speak until he needs to. however because he wants to be a hero, he working on his shyness and is really smart. nori is like you. he's smart, quick-witted and maybe just a little smug. he cares about people he is close to and will die for them if he needed to. they both would.

Name: aimilios midoriya

gender: female

quirk: she has waterbending. so she can heal, bloodbend[yes you taught her but only in dire situations she can use it], cloudbending and plantbending.

birthday: 12th september 

appearance: she has green h/t hair. her left eye is e/c and her right is green. she has your s/t and she has really cute dimples.

personality: she is an exact mix of you and izuku. she can be shy, quiet and timid like toshi but she can be exactly like gemini or nori if she wants to be. she is great at convincing people and she is a powerful leader like you.

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