👿villain deku?👿p3

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[agded up]

you and deku ended up dating after three months of knowing each other. your bond was very strong with him; you were inseparable. he would always come to your house at night and you guys would just cuddle or talk or do other things. it was a very nice feeling but as always it's very hard being together.

you were off work today so you decided to watch f/a but you needed some snacks to watch it with. so you put your avatar merch; it was the image of your tattoo in the middle.

as you opened the door you were face to face with the same green eyes you loved.


"hey doll," he wanted to see you and it was daytime. daytime. you pulled him into your house and slammed the door. you dragged him to your living room and pushed him towards the sofa. he fell back back first knowing he was about to get yelled at.

"what. the hell! you can't just come in the day! you could get caught!"

"i'm sorry doll," he said looking at you with puppy eyes.

"that's not gonna work on me boy," you crossed your arms turning you face away from him. He hated when you didn't look at him; he loved seeing your e/c eyes and you knew that. You were just spiting him.

"y/n," he whined. "please look at me. I'm really sorry,"

"hmph," he got off the sofa and pulled you into a hug.

"puppy look at me," he gently took you chin and forced you to look at him. "i won't come in the daytime like this again unless i'm really covered up,"

"you promise?"

"i promise,"

"okay then, give me a second. i need to get some snacks for our movie night right now,"

"no it's chill, i already got some stuff," he said showing you a white plastic bag with a lot snacks inside it. you took the bag of him and looked inside; there was pocky sticks, skittles, doritos, popcorn and other things.

"you've redeemed yourself," you said smiling. you heard him say a faint yes which made you smile a bit more. he sat on the sofa with the remote in his hands and put f/a on. you sat on his laps and he relaxed more watching f/a.

an hour had past and you had a question which played on over and over in your mind which wasn't going away anytime soon.

"doll," his voice brought you out of your trance. "i can tell you have a question for me, you can ask it,"

"have you ever killed before?"


"that's the part where you answer,"

"chill doll. no, i haven't killed,"

"wait really?"

"why? did you think i killed before?"

"nah. you didn't seem like the type,"

"but i have tortured you know,"

"yeah yeah. i know," you said. "you do it to me when we have sex," you whispered.

"you say something?"

"nope," he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.

"i'm going to have to punish you now,"


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