Chapter Twenty-Four: Molly

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Molly was terrified. Tara had locked both women in a back bedroom, and all of the windows had bars over them. There was no chance of escape. Now that Molly could think of any sort of plan with her sister at the moment anyway. Kristina had been too much of a handful for Tara, so Dr. Criminally Insane had drugged her with chloroform, something that Molly sincerely thought only happened in the movies.

Molly took stock of everything that had happened. First, Tara had forced her way into the house at gunpoint. Once inside, Molly had attempted to get the weapon away from her, but Tara had managed to force her to her knees. When Kristina also attempted to fight back, Tara dosed her. Molly tried to help her sister, but she had been prevented from doing so when Tara had delivered a swift, brutal kick to her stomach.

Luckily, Abel had managed to get away before Tara had managed to get her hands on him. She heard Thomas crying every now and then, so she knew he was there and, for the moment at least, unharmed. Molly couldn't help but worry about how her nephew was eating. Thomas was breastfed, and she doubted very much that Tara had been smart (and sane) enough to grab any bottles or frozen breast milk out of the freezer. The drug that Tara had forced into her bloodstream would be passed to Thomas in her breast milk, so Kristina would be unable to feed him even if she had been awake.

Molly's thoughts were interrupted when she felt a sudden throbbing pain in her lower abdomen. It almost felt like menstrual cramps that had been cranked up to eleven. She forced herself to her feet and made her way into the small, windowless bathroom that was attached to the bedroom that served as her prison. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down to her ankles. When she checked her panties, her fear level skyrocketed. There was a small pool of dark red blood in the crotch of her white cotton panties. She was over two weeks away from her next period. Was her bleeding internally? Tara had kicked her pretty fucking hard. What should she do? Tara wasn't about to seek medical attention for her. The crazy bitch would probably be ecstatic to learn of the damage that she had done.

Molly opened the door of the medicine cabinet and was relieved to find a half-empty bottle of ibuprofen. She took four of them, using her hand as a cup to get water out of the sink.

"Molly?" Kristina's groggy voice called out. "Where are you?"

Molly took a deep breath as she tried to ignore the pain she was in. Kristina was going to be freaked out enough without her knowing about her injuries.

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