Chapter Sixteen: Happy/Molly

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Before they left the hospital and while Molly was cooing over her new nephew, Jax pulled Happy out into the hallway to talk.

"Hap, I need you to do something for me on the low this Saturday night." Jax crossed his arms over his chest. "Only you, me, and Juice can know about it."

"You're family now, bro. What's up?"

"I need you to quietly meet up with Juice tomorrow night. He'll give you all the details but I want you to follow Clay."

The only thing that surprised Happy about the request was the fact that it didn't surprise him at all. No one in the club trusted Clay's judgment anymore. "I'll do this thing, brother," he nodded. "When and where am I meeting Juice?"

"Nine tomorrow night at his shop. Thanks, Hap." Jax pulled him into a quick hug.

At that moment, Molly exited the room. "You ready to get out of here," she addressed him. "I'm crashing hard off that Redbull."

Happy nodded. "Sure, little girl. I could use some shut eye. She'll be at my place," Happy informed Jax.


Molly was half-asleep as she stumbled over the threshold of Happy's Charming area home. The sun was now up and the birds were chirping when they finally managed to leave the hospital.

Happy closed and locked the door before collapsing on the couch, not even bothering to remove his boots or kutte. He pulled her down on top of him, moving to lay on his back with his arms around her. "Welcome home, little girl," he kissed her forehead.

Home? It was only at that moment that it fully dawned on Molly that old ladies typically lived with their old men. Happy's home was now her home. "Thanks, babe," she kissed his chin. "You'll have to give me a tour once I'm awake enough to see straight." She cuddled into his chest.

Happy chuckled huskily and hugged her a little tighter. "I hope that means you don't mind me taking a rain check on rockin' your world, baby girl."

Molly shivered in excitement and anticipation but was too tired to do much else. "I'm good with it," she giggled tiredly. "Staying a virgin one more night won't hurt me – but staying on this couch all night will hurt us both, babe."

Happy must have had a little energy left over because he managed to catch her by surprise. He got to his feet with her never once leaving his arms and carried her down the hallway and into the master bedroom.

In the dark, Molly couldn't see much. All she knew was that the bed Happy laid her on was big and comfortable. She heard him rustling around in the dark, undressing himself before he sat beside her on the mattress. He helped her out of her boots before moving up and pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it off the bed. When she lazily started kicking her jeans down her legs, he helped her pull them off. She was left in nothing but her bra and panties. She was both too in love and too sleepy to be shy. Molly turned her back and allowed Happy to unhook her bra. Shrugging it off, she tossed it aside before moving to crawl under the covers and lay down on her side, facing the window that was (blessedly) equipped with black-out curtains. Happy lay beside her and curled himself around her body. One of his arms cradled her head while the other wrapped around her naked torso, his right hand cupping her breast in a way that was more comforting than sexual. He kissed the back of her neck and then her bare shoulder. "I can't wait to take you to the hospital, little girl."

Molly now spoke fluent Happy and understood immediately what he meant. Not knowing exactly what to say, she simply chose to cuddle back into him a little closer.

Happy's arm tightened around her and he lightly squeezed her breast. "I love you, Molly," he spoke into her neck.

Molly's hand came to rest atop his on her breast. "I love you too, Happy."

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