Chapter Seventeen: Molly

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Molly was grocery shopping the next time she was unfortunate enough to cross paths with Tara. She was headed towards the register when the doctor's cart collided with hers. Tara played it odd like it was an accident but Molly felt there was much too much force behind the collision for her to believe that.

"Oh," Tara gave a high, false laugh and brought a hand up over her heart. "I am so sorry. You know, I never caught your name..."

"That's because I never threw it." Molly rolled her eyes. There were plenty of other things she would have liked to have thrown at the bitch though. For instance, the glass one-gallon jug of kosher wine she was standing beside.

"Oh, come on. Charming's a small town." Tara's smile was now full of ice. "I can't keep referring to you as Kristina's sister."

"My name's Molly. I'm Happy's old lady." She threw that information out there as more or less a threat. "And if you know who my sister is, you know damn well that Jax and Gemma don't want you speaking to me."

"I was hoping that coming from a family like yours that you'd be a little more open to being friends."

A family like hers? Molly couldn't believe that Tara was dumb enough to think she could use her uncle and his connections against her. Everyone and their brother knew what her uncle Sonny did. Hell, the cops and feds knew...they just couldn't prove it.

"Sorry, I don't make friends with heroin addicts," Molly smirked. "Gemma told me all about your habit." More like Happy told her but Tara didn't need to know that.

"Did Gemma tell you that the only time I've ever been on heroin was when she forcibly injected me with it?" Tara's voice was raised and she was starting to huff and puff like she was the Big Bad Wolf. It was funny because Molly knew all the good doctor was, was a scared little pig.

"I know she told me that, like all recovering addicts, you're always at risk of a relapse. You better stay away from all your triggers."

Tara's face visibly paled and in their little game of verbal chicken...she blinked first. With one final glare, she beat a hasty retreat.


Molly nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to find Tig's old lady, Venus, pushing a shopping cart with a cute brown-haired, brown-eyed little boy riding in the basket. "Oh, hey Venus." She smiled at the little boy. "It's good to see you, Joey. Are you behaving for your mommy?" Joey was Venus' biological son (long story that involved call girls) that Tig had adopted.

"Never," Venus chuckled as Joey nodded his head yes. "Looks like you were makin' friends with Dr. Icy."

Molly shook her head. "More like enemies."

"Not surprising. That nasty little girl rubs everyone the wrong way. She thinks her little degree makes her better than everyone else in this town." Venus snapped her fingers before pointing at Molly. "I'm so glad that I ran into you. Joey here is turning six next weekend and we're having a little cookout at the park on Saturday to celebrate. Can you and Happy make it?"

A kid's party was definitely not Happy's thing but Venus and Joey were a part of the SAMCRO family. "I'll make sure of it,' Molly promised.

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