Chapter Three: Happy

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"Bobby, can I ask you a question?" Happy was seated with the older Son at one of the picnic tables outside the clubhouse. Inside was a massive party celebrating Jax and Kristina's wedding.

"Shoot," Bobby said as he poured each of them a shot of Jack Daniel's.

"Do we got any rules about hooking up with an old lady's sister?"

Bobby laughed before downing his shot. "No rules against it but I wouldn't think about fuckin' around with one who also happens to be Sonny Corinthos' kid. Which sister?"

"His niece, Molly," Happy corrected. "And what if it was more than fuckin' around?"

"Wait," Bobby held up a hand. Happy could tell that he was teetering on the edge of obliterated by the way the big man swayed back and forth a little bit. "'Kristina is Corinthos' kid, Molly is her sister, but she's Corinthos' niece, not his daughter?"

"Yeah," Happy nodded.

"Well, I'll be, and they call me country!"

The men were joined at the picnic table by Tig and his old lady, Venus. It was Venus who had spoken.

"Did I just hear the great Happy Lowman say that he was looking to more than fuck around with a broad?" Tig asked as he slung an arm lazily over Venus' broad shoulders.

Fucking hell. You couldn't have a private conversation to save your dick around the fucking clubhouse.

"What of it?" Happy growled between his teeth.

Before Tig could say something stupid that resulted in a brawl, Venus silenced him with a warning hand on his leg. "There's nothin' wrong with it, sweetie pie," Venus shook her head. "I'd only caution you to only go after young Molly if you're truly serious about her. She's still a girl. Speaking for all women, I'm going to have to ask you, please, don't be the silly man who turns that beautiful young lady into just another bitter and jaded woman. The world has more than enough of those."

See, it was Venus' way of speaking like a modern day Scarlet O'Hara mixed with a little Oprah like wisdom that made Happy forget that Venus was born with a penis after all of five minutes of knowing her.

"What my girl's saying in that beautifully poetic way of hers is that if you fuck over the college-aged gash, Corinthos will put a bullet in your brain... if Kristina doesn't kill you first." Tig was much blunter.

"What he said." Bobby pointed at Tig. "Plus, you already agreed to be Corinthos' west coast hitter. If he takes a hit out on you, you're gonna have to, like, fuckin' kill yourself. That'd be weird."

Yep. Bobby was fucking toasted and would be of no further help for the rest of the night... and probably a good portion of the next day.

"Oh, dear, sweet, Bobby," Venus tisked as she got to her feet and hurried to his side. "It is past your bedtime, darlin'. Well, don't just sit on your ass Alexander, help me!"

Venus was the only person that Tig ever obeyed without question or delay. She was also the only person who got away with calling him by his real name. Happy would admit that when he had first learned that Tig had taken a transgender former call girl as his old lady he had been incredibly creeped out. He thought it was sick and against everything that he had been taught growing up with a strict Catholic mother. But, once he (and the rest of the club) had gotten to actually know Venus, his opinion had quickly changed. Venus understood Tig in a way that no one else on earth did. She was loyal to both him and to the club. She settled and calmed his brother. Tig was now much quicker to think before he acted and got himself into too much trouble. Knowing that he had a loyal, loving, and, to Tig at least, beautiful woman waiting at home for him meant that he took less insane risks. There was also the added bonus that Tig was faithful when in a relationship. This means that the club no longer had to hear about the nasty, freaky, and, in some cases, downright illegal, sexual crap he got up to while he was single. Happy couldn't even fall back on his Catholic upbringing to oppose Venus. He fucking killed people on a semi-regular basis. It's not like he could go to confession and then pray those sins away. Murder was a mortal sin. He was going to burn no matter which way he looked at it. If he were being honest, Happy would say that he would kill to have an old lady like Venus (minus the added appendage because while now open to the trans community he wasn't THAT open). The more he got to know Molly Lansing-Davis, the more he wanted her in that role. He wanted her to be the woman that wore his crow.

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