Chapter Four: Jax

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Jax dropped a kiss to his still sleeping wife's forehead before quietly exiting their bedroom.

In the kitchen, he found Abel sitting at the kitchen table in his booster seat being tended to by his sister-in-law. Kristina was three weeks away from her due date and her doctor had put her on bed rest due to her having high blood pressure. Her younger sister, Molly had flown in from Port Charles to look after both Abel and Kristina while Jax worked and attended to club business.

"You're a lifesaver, darlin'," Jax told her as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "You sure we aren't taking you away from something else? Kristina said you just graduated from college. Pretty impressive for a nineteen-year-old by the way." He took a seat in the chair next to Abel, dropping a kiss to his boy's blond head.

Molly laughed as she handed Abel a sippy cup with milk in it. "I'm a know-it-all millennial with a liberal arts degree who has no idea what she wants to do with her life. It's not like I have a job waiting anywhere. I'm lucky I come from money and I know it." Molly moved to the stove where she was frying up some bacon.

"Well, you're always welcome here." Jax was fond of the girl. She was like the little sister he never had. Her presence made his old lady happy and kept her comfortable and Molly was really good with Abel... and the little boy adored his aunt Molly.

The front door opened and they were joined in the kitchen by Happy... which was weird. Happy wasn't the type to just drop by.

"What's up, brother?" Jax asked. "Something wrong?"

Happy shook his head. "No."

"Happy, if you wanted to stay for breakfast, I made plenty." Jax did not miss the slight blush on Molly's cheeks. That had not been there before she looked at Happy. "My uncle taught me to cook and there was always so many people in and out of his house that I'm used to cooking for a small army," the teenager was rambling.

"Sure," Happy nodded and replied gruffly but Jax caught the little smirk that briefly crossed the hitman's face. So... Molly and Happy had the hots for each other. When the fuck had that happened?

"Jax, can I talk to you outside?"

Jax got to his feet and followed Happy out to the back porch. He held up a hand to stop his brother before he could speak. He already knew what this was about. "You only have my blessing if you're serious about her, brother. She's my family, man."

"I'm crow serious about her. I have been since your wedding." Happy crossed his arms over his chest and looked Jax dead in the eye.

"Alright, go for it, brother," Jax nodded and held out his hand. As Happy shook it, Jax continued, "goes without saying that if you hurt Molly I'll kick the shit out of you but a warning – if shit goes south between you two, Sonny won't kill you. He won't have time to because my old lady will get to your ass first and that's a promise."

Happy nodded seriously. "This I believe."

Jax laughed. Pregnant or not, Kristina Teller was not a woman to be fucked with and the whole club knew it.

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