Chapter Eleven: Molly

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The next day, Saturday, Happy had taken her for a walk on the real Le Push beach. After that, they had hopped on his bike and headed for Tacoma. They pulled into the garage of Happy's modest ranch-style house a short time after night had fallen.

After giving her a small tour of the house, Happy pulled her to sit in his lap on the black leather couch. "You know, I got some of my equipment here," he ran his hand along the small of her back, under her t-shirt. "If you want, I can give you my crow now."

He was really serious about making her his old lady. While that's exactly what she wanted to be, there was a crucial element missing – at least on his end – from their relationship. If she was going to wear his crow she needed to be damn sure that he loved her. She had accepted the fact that she was in love with the Tacoma Killa just the night before as she lay in his arms in bed, She was 100% committed to their relationship but she wasn't getting any tattoos until she knew that he was just as committed. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet, Happy," she shook her head.

"That's cool, little girl. I can wait," he gave her a quick kiss. When they parted, he lightly smacked her ass. "Hop up, baby, I need to go take a shower."
Happy took really long showers. It was an hour and a half before he rejoined her in the living room. She had started a movie while she waited.

"What are you watching?" He took a seat beside her.

"The Empire Strikes Back," Molly replied. "I found your DVD collection. I hope you don't mind."

"You have free reign in this house, little girl, what's mine is yours." He reached out and pulled her to cuddle into his side. "Besides, these are my favorite movies."

"Mine too," she laid a kiss on his chin before she settled against him.

He chuckled. "I'd already guessed that. Not many chicks go around wearing diamond-encrusted Death Stars around their neck." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Molly reached up and absentmindedly playing with the charm of the necklace. It had been a Sweet-16 present from her Aunt Carly. When he leaned back against his arm and Happy flinched, she grew concerned. "Are you okay, babe?" She turned her head and saw that Happy had a fresh tattoo on his left forearm. It was the symbol for the Rebel Alliance from 'Star Wars' and in the center, in that distinctive font from the scrolling words at the beginning of each film, was HER name.

Molly was overwhelmed with emotions. Happy cared enough about her to get her name inked on his arm for all the world to see, He had paid close enough attention to her to know that she had a deep love of the 'Star Wars' films without her ever having to say anything. He loved her. He loved her and he was telling her in the only way that he knew how. A bright smile came to her face. "I get it, Happy. I love you too...and it's okay if you can't say the words yet. Everything you do proves to me more and more. Now, go and get your equipment. You have a crow to give me."Happy kissed her stupid before standing up to go and get his tattoo equipment.

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