Chapter Fourteen: Happy

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Happy made the ride from Tacoma to Charming in two hours and forty-five minutes, a personal best. The moment he and Molly arrived at St. Thomas Hospital, Molly went straight to Kristina's room to be with her sister. Happy gathered with the rest of the club in the labor and delivery waiting room where they made one hell of a sight. A bunch of badass bikers waiting for a baby to be born. The nurses actually looked a bit scared every time they went scurrying by as fast as they possibly could.

"Hap, what's with the new ink?" Juice nodded towards his left forearm. "Molly's Kristina's kid sister right?"

Happy noticed that Clay's ears perked up and he started listening.

Happy nodded at Juice. "Jax gave me the okay to make her my old lady. She's wearing my crow under that leather jacket." He was grinning like a fool and he didn't care who saw him.

"Congrats, sugar," Venus beamed at him from her place sitting on Tig's lap. "Molly's a sweetheart. You made a good choice. I'm pleased as punch that all worked out well for you."

"You know Molly ties you and the club even tighter to Corinthos, right," Clay gruffly spoke up. "You didn't think you should have cleared that one with me?"

"My girl and my personal life don't have anything to do with you or SAMCRO," Happy glared at the older man. "Molly has nothing to do with her uncle's business."

"Plus, Corinthos' been nothing but good for us." Bobby was eying Clay with a certain amount of distrust. "Bringing antiques in through Port Charles has tripled our profits and taken the heat off of us with ATF."

"Yeah," Tig agreed. "Having another Corinthos' old lady ties Sonny tighter to us."

"I still don't trust him," Clay grumbled.

"You don't trust anyone...that's your problem." Piney stared at the club president with thinly veiled hatred. "If I were you, I'd be careful before your paranoia starts making people distrust you, brother."

Happy has always suspected that something big (and fucking bad) had gone down between Piney and Clay sometime in the past. They had barely tolerated each other for as long as Happy had known both of them and now Piney was straight-up warning Clay to stand down. Happy really wanted to know what it was that had torn the two friends apart. Piney was one of the original nine members of SAMCRO and had even sponsored Clay for membership in the club back in the day. They couldn't have always hated each other.

"Happy," Molly reappeared in the waiting room doorway.

"Yeah, little girl?" He was relieved to see her. Her appearance broke up some of the angry tension in the room.

"The doctor thinks it's going to be a while yet and the room was a bit cramped. I was hoping you wouldn't mind giving me a ride up to the store. I need a Redbull to stay awake."

"Sure, babe," Happy got to his feet, kicking Chibs when he made the sound of a whip cracking. Anything was better than sitting and listening to Clay and Piney passive aggressively attack one another.

As the couple was waiting for the elevator, a sour-faced female doctor approached them. "I heard Kristina Teller was in labor."

"And you are..?" Molly gave the doctor the side eye.

"Just tell Jax and Kristina that Tara said congratulations," the doctor threw them a fake smile before walking off.

"Who the hell was that bitch," Molly asked as the elevator arrived.

"Jax's ex-girlfriend and the woman your sister is going to kill if she doesn't stay in her own fucking lane...if Gemma doesn't get to her first."

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