Chapter 23: Icha Icha Paradise

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"Hello," Shikadami spoke before bowing, "my name is Shikadami Nara and this half-wit here is Inojou Yamanaka."

Immediately Inojou bowed as well before realizing what Shikadami had really said and then proceeded to narrow his eyes at her. She smirked before returning her gaze to a perplexed Kakashi-sensei.

Rubbing his chin, Kakashi was probably observing both of their appearances. He then nodded his head before pointing his finger up in the air. We all watched as we waited for him to respond. All anxious in his presence.

"Are you two married?" Kakashi wondered as he brought his finger down to shake at Shikadami and I.


"What! No! What makes you say that?!" Shikadami scrambled.

Turning my gaze towards her I wondered. Maybe she didn't like that I told them we were engaged in order to maintain our cover. I guess I never thought about what Shikadami thought about the whole thing. Maybe I was just assuming our relationship. Taking it too fast? But was it really that bad? What if we were married? What would she think about that?
"Oh, sorry for me to assume. Your cover here in the leaf says otherwise." Kakashi brought to life.


"Right our cover! That's what that was!" She hesitated.

Sighing I looked to the ground to hide my apparent defeated face. Little did I know that the only one in the room that could see my own feelings was Kakashi. Looking up and catching his gaze, he didn't even bother hiding it. Smiling, he turned back to Inojou and tried to show interest.

"Lemme guess..." Kakashi tapped on the desk that he leaned on behind him, "you miss someone back at home?"

Leaping up in the air, catching Inojou off guard he blushed.

I forgot how much of a love guru Kakashi was. I mean he read books on it all the time. However, he was not so lucky in the department or rather didn't care enough to pursue it. His students were his first love and priority. The entire village and what not.

"W-what makes you say that!"

"I'm not sure. You just seem unfocused and head up in the clouds."

I mean I could guess who was Inojou's mind. A hopeless love, but still. Haru was strong willed and obsessed over all the wrong things. She has chased every guy in the village besides Inojou. Maybe that meant something.

"What's her name?" Kakashi wondered with a comforting tone.

There was something about the way Kakashi talked that made you want to tell him everything. I mean I knew that it worked on me. Kakashi was the one person before Shikadami that could get me to open up about how I really felt. Would Inojou give in?

Noticing Inojou's apparent uncomfortable posture he changed his expression.

"Nevermind that," Kakashi brushed off which caused Inojou to relax, "Now, the Otsutsuki family is much larger than Kaguya?"

Shikadami and I nodded.

"And somehow your new bloodline has initiated a prophecy that has been said for the destruction of the world?"

I nodded yes once more. Glancing over to Shikadami and Inojou I realized their shock. This was the first time that they were really hearing the seriousness of this mission. The eyes were beaming with fear as they thought about it.

"The only obvious origin of this is your relation to Sasuke and Naruto, who are the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki," Kakashi thought.

"Yes," I nodded before adding, "but you would think that would be when my parents fell in love and conceived me but..."

"But you were brought back to decades before that happened," Kakashi concluded.

I nodded in disappointment. Why at this point in time?

"Something that happened in this time initiated the prophecy," Shikadami incurred as she stepped to my side.

She turned to me and slid her hand into my grasp and smiled. Returning the smile I then turned back to Kakashi who was lost in thought.

"Has anything recently occurred that might be remotely close?" Shikadami said in a concerning manner.

As Kakashi eyes searched the ground, he paused as he seemed to come to some kind of conclusion. Releasing his grip on his chins and then bringing his hands to rest on the desk. As his eyes widened he casually met my gaze.

"Well," he stared at me, "Sasuke was recently assigned to investigate a disturbance in the Land of the Valleys with Sakura."

Immediately, Shikadami, Inojou and I exchanged worried glances. The Land of Valleys was a place that harbored a lot of corruption when my father was a kid. A lot of bad things happened there. Or will happen in this case.

Noticing our discomfort, Kakashi broke the silence trying his best not to interrogate us about the information that we withheld.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and waited for Kakashi to answer. Agreeing for them to enter, Shizune entered the room and pardoned herself for interrupting the meeting between all of us.

"Lord Sixth," Shizune bowed, "Naruto Uzumaki has returned from Sunagakure and has requested to see you."

Abruptly turning back to Kakashi, my eyes seemed lost. My grandfather was here in the village. He must be my age at this time. Would it be safe for Naruto to be so close to me during the mission. It wasn't till the silence lingered that I realized was waiting for me to initiate whether he should deny or not. Would it be okay? I went with my instincts.

I nodded, yes.

Nodding back he turned to Shizume who stood awkwardly and out of place at the door.

"Yes, tell Naruto I'll see him at once."

Shizine nodded and bowed before closing the door behind her.

Turning back towards Kakashi we exchanged looks and I pondered on whether we were being too risky or not. Although Inojou and Shikadami had been close to their grandparents. I couldn't help but have a feeling that seeing my grandfather would pose a problem. We still did not know the origin of the prophecy. We only knew that it had everything to do with my grandfathers, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. 

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