Chapter 43: Cat, Mouse, and Cheese

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"Shikadami!" I alerted and she turned to me, "It's Otsutsuki chakra."

Her eyes widened as she turned back to the man she had killed and the rolling glass capsule. Suddenly, another man grabbed it and began to run away with it.

As we began to pursue to them, more people revealed themselves with white, pale skin and

hair. I know who these people are.

"Zetsu puppets!" Naruto confirmed as he kicked a chair out of the way to pursue the capsule, "Sasuke!"

Sasuke then nodded as he ran in a flash. I then watched as Shikadami black flipped off the chair that she delicately balanced on and formed a wind needle spear and began to slice and take each of the puppets out. Kakashi engaged in a fight with three puppets as they evaded their attacks with pristine taijutsu.

Looking at the puppet with the capsule approaching closer and closer to the exit. He's going to get away. Seeing Inojuo was the closest to the exit, I gave him a nod and he acknowledge.Immediately weaving signs, he slapped his hands on the ground, greeting a wave on the ground. The ground began to wave as it caught the balance of the puppets as they tumbled to the ground. Sasuke was quick to retrieve the capsule.

"Sasuke! Go!" Kakashi ordered, "We will hold them off!"

Kakashi then looked at me, "Go with him!"

I nodded and followed my grandfather out of the room. We ran through the back rooms and then suddenly we were outside.

"Where are we-" I said before he cut me off.

"Do you know how to drive?" Sasuke questioned.

I nodded with a smile as I saw an old-fashioned car. I had never driven one that looked like that as it was before my time but there was no time like the present.

Getting quickly into the driver's seat, Sasuke got into shotgun as we began to drive off. Behind us, puppets got into other cars and pursued us. As I sped off into the hills behind the Casino. As the zetsu puppets caught up to us, they jumped on top of the car and ripped the roof off.

"Hold this!" Sasuke noticed as he jumped onto the top of the car and engaged in a fight. Pulling out a scroll which summoned his sword.

Swinging the car back and forth, I tried to shake them off our tail. Seeing that there were hoards of puppets blocking the road in front of us, almost like suicide soldiers. I mean that's what they were. We were running out of road. At my highest speed, suddenly a car pulled up next to us!

"Hey dude!" Inojou smiled as he drove the car with Kakashi, Naruto and Shikadami standing on the roof, "Need some help?"

I smiled as more and more zetsu puppets began to overwhelm us on top of the car. As we got

closer and closer to the zetsu blocking the street, last minute I flipped off the car and onto Inojou's car, Sasuke was quick to follow leaving the zetsu on our car to explode with a collision on the road with the other suicide puppets.

"That was a close one," I whispered under my breath.

"Look alive!" Kakashi notified as more and more zetsu caught up.

As we swerved through the cliffside that boarded the water line, Inojou was quick and efficient in evading the oncoming Zetsu. After all he was a street racer in his youth. We stuck to the car with our hands gripped on the edge of the roof as he drifted around a corner. Kakashi then grabbed the capsule form Sasuke and jumped in the shotgun seat with Inojou.

Immediately Sasuke weaved signs and yelled, "Katon!"

A fiery blaze of a ball of fire escaped his mouth as he torched puppets that followed close behind our car. One car however, was able to evade his fireball jutsu and it pulled up right next to us. Immediately I flipped on the car with Shikadami and we complemented each other as we tried to disable the drive and the zetsu that clung to it. Shiakdami formed invisible wind knives as she flung them at each of the puppets, sending them flying off the car and into the ocean. Summoning my dual katanas and sliced at each of the puppets and evaded their attacks. Sending one flying into the back seat of the car, I watched as it split into two, then four, then eight. They were duplicating. Shiakdami acknowledged and knew what my next move was. Immediately to leapt back onto Inojou's car and I hopped onto the front of the car weaving immense chakra expulsion signs and then slammed my hands on the hood. Suddenly in a huge burst of energy, the car flipped in the air and I flipped off the car, landing on the front window of Inojou's car. From the burst of energy over two dozen multiplying zetsu puppets were launched and immobilized, connecting with the pavement in the road as we sped past them at alarming speeds.

Seeing the puppets climbing on the back of the car, Naruto was quick to activate his signature jutsu.

"Rasen-shuriken!" he yelled as his jutsu whistled through the air and sliced through each of the puppets and knocked them off the car.

Speeding over a hill, I noticed a bay in the distance and realized if we could get to the other side we could easily escape.

I then looked to Kakashi who acknowledged my plan and he spun around and hung himself off the side of the car. Dragging his hand just about the pavement of the road, he created an earth style ramp and Inojou began to drive towards the ramp. As I watched him make his move, in the corner of my eye I saw as Shikadami, Naruto, and Sasuke engaged in taijutsu at the puppets as they attempted to jump on the car. Seeing a wave of them in the air as they leapt towards as Shikadami was quick to react as she swung herself in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Serial Wave!" she yelled and sent a wave of wind that caused all the cars of zetsu behind us to fly and launch them kilometers away from us.

Suddenly we were lifted in the air as Inojou took the car over Kakashi's earth style ramp.

As we jumped the cliff, we landed on the other side and Inojou violently and swiftly landed the

car on the other side. Pulling over to the side of the beach we got out of the car and approached the beach.

"They're still coming, y'know!" Naruto is alerted to see the puppet's creating an inhuman bridge to cross the gorge.

We needed to cross the bay but the zetsu were coming fast.

"We aren't gonna make it," Inojou cursed.

We watched as the puppets flooded over the mountains. There wasn't enough time to get across the water and back to the mainland and Sasuke wasn't at full strength to use his Rinnegan. We just don't have enough time.

Looking at Shikadami who held the chakra flower in her pocket of air, she gave me a worried look of defeat.

As I stared back at the ocean looking for a way, from the corner of my eye I could see Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi preparing to face the hordes and hoards of disciples treading down the hill in an inhuman manner.

This can't be it. If only I had more of a handle on my abilities. If only...

"Ten no nami!" Inojou yelled as he enacted foreign hand signals. 

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