Chapter 37: Attack on the Leaf Part 5: Pain of the Crimson Uchiha

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"Boruto?" I questioned but he was too focused to respond, "Boruto! What are you-"

That's when I realized what jutsu he was using. As I tried to get up to stop him I felt the weighted black chakra begin to corrupt my own. Then suddenly start to lift from me in a whiete chakra light.

Everything goes dark.

From the darkness my eyes opened up to looming clouds. It's going to rain. It's been a while since it had rained. Maybe...

Suddenly I remembered where I was as I lifted my back off the ground. The pain of the black chakra was gone. I felt weightless. Searching the rubble of the Town Square, I tried to find him. Where was he? I then realized that all the Zetsu had disappeared having been eradicated by the pure white chakra. Then emerging from over a rock I saw Kaushiki climb up it to stand over a body.

It was Boruto.

My heart sank as Kaushiki looked down on him. The hate began to boil in a pit in my stomach. Kaushiki frowned upon him as he lifted his foot in the air. My eyes widened as he slammed foot back down on Boruto's chest.

I immediately stood up and started for him. But stopped when Kaushiki nudged Boruto face with his foot. From that there was a limp reaction. No...

"Hmm...dead?" Kaushiki mocked.

My eyes began to widen as my teeth pierced my lip.

"Shame," he said in an antagonizing manner, "seemed that his body could not handle the combined black chakra of the entire village Pitiful mortal."

I continued to stare at Boruto's lifeless face. The bruises that were inflicted by Kaushiki plagued his handsome face. No. Streaming tears stained my face as I came to.

Kaushiki then looked up to me with a devilish smile and then suddenly it faded as his arm began to deteriorate. In confusion my expression faded out of sadness as I looked at him.

Kaushiki then stumbled before being supported by Chamushiki who emerged from the debris.

"What?!" Kaushiki cursed.

Grabbing his arm it seemed to ash away and sever completely.

Then I remember that before the white flash, Boruto aimed part of the absorbed black chakra at him. He must've hit his arm.

"Arghhh!" Kaushiki screamed as the ashes of his arm disappeared into the wind.

He then looked back to Boruto's limp body in rubble and angrly glared at him.

"I will mangle you!" he said as he pulled away from Chamushiki.

As he began to lunge at Boruto's body, I screamed, "No!"

Suddenly I felt a piercing pain in both of my eyes. My wincing pain caught Kaushiki's attention as he turned to me. From my blurry vision I began to see red as blood began to bleed from my eyes. Ripping off my glasses and smashing them on the ground, I grabbed for my eyes and held them out of pain. I began to wince and scream as I felt my eyes change. All I could blindly think about was Boruto. Everything I had lost because of Kaushiki. That bastard! The hate and pain that I felt had begun unbearable and I clenched my eyes shut before I became silent. The pain was gone. As I slowly opened my eyes a red haze laid over my vision. My eyes then locked on Kaushiki and Chamushiki.

Chamushiki began to look at me in fear. He began to quiver as he slightly stood back.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan," he said, his voice cracking in fear.

I felt overwhelmed in the pain of the loss that I instantly covered myself in a crimson cloak of chakra. Its skeletal and armour formed from my rib cage into a crimson humanoid form. In its humanoid form, the face is framed by long locks of hair. When it's armour is formed and is completely engulfed around my body, my Susanoo resembles a goddess-like woman. From my hands a curved blade that resembled a scythe. On my arms and legs were shins guards and layer armour. I was a warrior geisha.

Suddenly I feel myself become weak as my susanoo drops to its knees in unicence with my own flaw. In my disillusionment I realized that the full body susanoo had shaped back into a skeletal form. It was weak and flawed. Incomplete. I was incomplete without Boruto.

As I kneeled there gripping my eye where the pain had resurfaced.

"Poor Lady Sarada," Kaushiki mocked, "you lost your lover and will lose your son."

Suddenly I felt something snap from within and the rib cage of my susanoo snapped and pierced the air. I aimed the blow straight at him as screamed in ear-splitting pain. Before it could reach his position, the blow was shielded. Instead of hitting Kaushiki, it hit Chamushiki. As blood began to drip from his mouth, I watched my bone shape scythe pierce deep into his gut, impaled straight through his body. I winced in pain when I released my susanoo form at the same time that Chamushiki fell into Kaushiki's arms.

"Father..." he winced in pain.

I unapologetically began to smile as my eyes cried out blood.

With this, surprisingly Kauhsiki began to show sadness as he held Chamushiki in his arms.

"Chamushiki..." he said stroking the bastard's hair, " your sacrifice will not be in vain.

Chamushiki then smiled before fading away into the afterlife. I watched Kaushiki use his fingertips and closed his eyelids over his eyes. He was dead.

"Heh..." I scuffed before laughing.

Kaushiki then looked back up to me and glared.

"Your world will fall," he lectured, " in time The Bloodline Prophecy will come to pass and when that comes I will dance on your corpses and the Infinite Chakra Flower will bring death to all Shinobi."

My smile faded as a portal opened up from his newly formed Rinnegan and he stepped through with the Chamushiki in his arms.

"I will bathe in your blood!" He declared before disappearing and leaving the village in ruins and rubble.

Once it was apparent that he had disappeared, I began to scramble over towards Boruto. As I reached his body I collapsed and tears began to stream down my face and wash away the tears of blood that stained my face.

I then lifted his head and body to cradle him in my arms, rocking him back and forth.

"Boruto!" I cried out as tears streamed down my face.

My cries grew more painful as I screamed and gripped him tight on my lap and in my arms.

Suddenly, people began to enter the Square and crowd around us. But I didn't care. All I could do was rock Boruto's limp body in my arms and grip his hand with my own.

Then I felt an enormous source of chakra emerge from the base of the rock. He walked slow and then suddenly stopped. I could feel his body begin to shake as his hand lifted to reach out at us. Looking up I was met with Naruto whose face and clothing was battered and ripped.

"B-Boruto..." Naruto spoke out before someone else emerged from behind him. My eyes sank at the sight I saw. It was Hima.

Her head was badly bleeding and she seemed to be using one of her hands to pressure on it. Noticing Hima's presence, the Seventh Hokage turned around to hold Hima back who had just noticed that I was holding Boruto.

Her lips began to quiver as tears began to stream down her face. It seemed as thought the sight out black receptors impaled in his body scared her the most.

"Boruto!" she screamed out before collapsing her father's arms. Lord Hokage held her back as Hima reached out for her brother.

Her screams filled the Square as her father pulled her into his arms, shielding her from the view of Boruto. She weeped in his arms as Naruto stared at the body. I watched tears begin to fall down his face and his teeth winced in a pain of sadness. He then dove his embrace into Hima who pierced her eyes shut and cried in his weak arms. He shook and embraced her hard.

I then turned my attention back towards Boruto in my arms. His face was still handsome and my mouth quivered as I stroked his cheek and rich blonde hair. His eyes closed but painful memories of his blue eyes filled my own. Slowly I reached to remove my father's headband from his head. I watched as his hair was slowly released from it and tricked back down his face. Gently folding the headband I set it down on his chest and then lifted his hand to place it on top of the headband. Looking back towards his face, I leaned down and kissed him on his forehead, one last time.

"Rest, my love."

Saruto | The Bloodline Prophecy (Part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora