Chapter 38: The Unmarked Island

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I listened carefully as the quiet waves rocked under our boat. It was quite as dim as the fog became more and more thick. The cold air felt soft on my face. I squinted hard on the unknown horizon and searched for city lights. But the fog was to think to see anything. It was even unknown as to whether we were going right away.

"What was this island called again?" Inojou questioned as he sat on the side of the boat and arms resting on his thighs.

"It is an unmarked island," Kakashi spoke as he removed his leaf headband, "illegal trade goes in and out of here undetected."

I watched as Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke removed any sign of their affiliation with the leaf. Fortunately, Shikadami, Inojou and I stripped ourselves that would indicate our identities or that of the time period we were from before we arrived in the past.

"How do you guys know about it?" Shikadami wondered.

"Sasuke, has...well..." Kakashi then glances over to Sasuke who casually puts his own headband from his belt into a bag, "connections in the underworld."

That's right, after the Fourth Shinobi War Sasuke went off on his own and served as an inside man to the village from the outside. He got involved with pretty dangerous people and knew every illegal business that was happening within the Five Shinobi Nations. He wasn't just a Shadow Hokage towards Naruot but Kakashi as well.

Soon the lights of a city started to come into view and Naruto and I began to row softer as to not draw any attention to ourselves as we docked.

"Camouflage jutsu!" Sasuke initiated simple hand signals which made the bag disappear.

We then all turned our attention towards the docks where people were waiting for us. As the boat creaked and waked, one of the figures held his hand out to initiate Naruto to pass him a rope so that he could tie our bought up.

Once we were securely docked, he steadily got out of the boat and met the figures.

"Sasuke Uchiha," one of the figures announced, "it's been a while!"

The man laughed it off causing Sasuke to roll his eyes. He then turned towards Kakashi and Naruto.

"And the Sixth Hokage. My humbling respects," he bowed, "Naruto Uzumaki as well! This is a treat!" Who was this man that we were laying so much trust in? And then I remember what Sasuke had told us before we left the main land.

"An old acquaintance of mine from my years working under Orochimaru has told me inside intel that a man that claims to have an Infinite Chakra Flower is selling it on the black market. There will be an auction tomorrow night on an unmarked island where it will be displayed. This will be an open window for us to obtain the Flower and bring it back for a full analysis of the properties it holds," Sasuke informed.

"Remember this will be an undercover mission; we must not reveal our affiliations. It will be strictly business." Kakashi reminded us.

Inojou, Shikadami, and I exchanged looks. We were undercover on a double. This shouldn't be too hard. Plus, the concern is mostly on Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi because of Inojou, Shikadami, and I being from a totally different time period. No one would recognize us, but still we had to play along.

As we followed the man from the docks and into a back alley, he approached a door with political graffiti on it.

"Down with the Mizukage!" it read with bold blue writing.

Naruto told me that the only reason that this island hasn't been under the jurisdiction of the Land of Water is because neighboring nations as well as the Land of Water use it as a way to keep tabs on the underworld. That's why it is important that our identities on this island are compromised in any way.

Suddenly the man knocked on the door in a two-two-three sequence. The iron door then unlocked and he creaked the door open. Revealing the darkness from inside he allowed us to pass through.
All of us followed Sasuke's lead as we followed closely behind him. We then passed a few men and women typing on computers and coding them in a green text and black light. They seemed to be invested in the screens to notice us but one thing I noticed was numbers. No doubt they were dealing with money transactions. And no doubt it was illegal. It reminded me of the Anbu raids that I had taken part in. For a whole month we ridded the Land of Fire of black market organizations like this. But I had to remember our true mission.

Inojou and Shikadami were trained to maintain focus. I didn't have to worry about them having the same thoughts I was having. Or at least noticeable.

As we followed the man into a back room, it was much more lit up. I could tell that this was the room that the majority of the money that he obtained went to. They were tuxes and gold chains, make-up, and dresses lining the walls.

"Okay," the man smirked, "take your pick."

That's right. We would need to dress the part of illegal arms dealers and gamblers. This would be a high grade event where notable rich people would be attending.

"The host of the auction tonight has a strict dress code. So dress nice!" the man's eyes then lingered towards Shikadami.

He smirked and then headed for the door. As he opened the door he side-eyed back at us.

"Oh and Lord Hokage," he grinned, "they don't allow any masks of any kid. Security reasons, y'know."

"Understood," Kakashi nodded before watching the man exit the room and shut the door behind them.

There was a short silence in the room as we all looked at the items in the room. Walking over to Shikadami I saw as she glued her eyes on the dresses in front of her. She seemed to loathe the idea of putting the dresses down. Seemingly trapped in her own thoughts, I broke the silence.

"I think the juniper one would look pretty on you," I confidently pointed and then reached out to feel the material.

"Ya think?" she said in a joking manner.

I smiled at her sudden interest in the dress that I particularly liked.

"Yes," I spoke to her, "it complements your eyes."

Suddenly she stopped admiring the dress. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that. I was only embarrassing myself.

But then she slowly turned towards me and met my eyes. I watched as they were pooled with a rich and beautiful teal color. Looking up at me, she smiled and stared into my eyes with wonder. They twinkled and I fell in love with their color. I softly smiled back.

"I'm glad you came with me," I softly spoke to her, blushing.

"I am too."

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